
106 Weather


To assure that students, faculty, and staff are notified as rapidly as possible when inclement weather conditions exist that necessitate emergency cancellation/delay of classes or closing of campus, the following procedures have been established:

  1. Notification: When class cancellation/delay or campus closing on the basis of hazardous driving conditions is in question, the President, after consultation with staff, will determine whether classes should be cancelled/delayed or whether campus should be closed.  If it is determined to cancel/delay classes or close campus, the President will notify those staff members who report to him; they, in turn, are to notify those who report to them.  For such class cancellation/delay or campus closing, the following process will be followed:
    1. The Chief Facilities Officer will make a recommendation for MSC in Tishomingo to the President.
    2. The Chief Facilities Officer will make a recommendation for MSC in Ardmore to the President.
    3. The President will inform the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the decision made.
    4. The Public Information Officer will notify the media to ensure the decision is publicly announce. The MSC Web site updates are maintained by the Public Information Officer. If daytime classes are cancelled/delayed or offices are closed, the media is to be contacted by 6:00 a.m.  If evening classes are cancelled/delayed, the media is to be contacted by 3:00 p.m.  No announcement will be made if classes are meeting as scheduled.
    5. The Public Information Officer will ensure that the decision is announced through the MSC switchboard.
  2. Absences: When hazardous driving conditions are determined that result in the closing of the College, the time that the College is closed will not be charged against an employee’s leave.  However, in the event that only classes are cancelled, with continued operation of other services, personnel “not considered critical for College operations” may be offered the option of excused absences or granted automatically authorized absences by their supervisors for one of the following:  to arrive later than scheduled, to leave earlier than scheduled, or not to come to work.  Excused absences or automatically authorized absences for eligible employees must be accounted for by the following options, unless otherwise determined by the President (NOTE: Part-time personnel on regular, continuing, part-time employment would receive the regular pay in the event the College is closed.  However, this does not apply to those on hourly, part-time seasonal, or renewable-by-semester employment.):
    1. Charge the absence to accumulated earned compensatory leave time balances.
    2. Charge the absence to accumulated earned annual leave (12-month employees), or to personal leave (faculty on less than 12-month appointment).
    3. Make up the lost time in a manner consistent with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
    4. More than one option may be exercised to account for an automatically authorized absence, but if the absence cannot be accounted for by exercising these options, leave of absence without pay will be utilized.
    5. Temporary/seasonal/part-time employees who are not eligible to accrue annual or sick leave will not be paid for cancelled work hours.
  3. Critical Personnel: Personnel in positions identified as critical are expected to work regular hours regardless of inclement weather conditions.
    1. Personnel identified as “critical” are as follows:
      1. President
      2. Campus Police
      3. Chief Facilities Officer (or designee)
    2. When students are in residence, the following are also considered critical personnel:
      1. Director of Resident Life
  4. Additional Personnel: Additional critical personnel positions may be identified under special conditions.


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