
89 Key Control

Policy Statement:

The need for access to facilities must be balanced with an equally critical concern for the security of all facilities, contents, and their occupants.  In general, keys will be issued to eligible individuals based on a need and not solely for convenience.  Master or sub-master keys will only be issued with approval form the President.


  1. Applicability: All individuals who are issued keys for property or facilities belonging to MSC.
  2. Exceptions: Exceptions may be granted by Facilities Maintenance in concurrence with MSC Campus Police and the President.
  3. Responsibility for College Access and Key Control:
    1. The primary responsibility for policing and security of buildings and grounds rests with the MSC Campus Police. Facilities Management in cooperation with Campus Police, are responsible for College key distribution and are authorized to initiate and implement this procedure. Campus Police:
      1. Conducts investigative reviews for each loss or theft of keys.
      2. Conducts periodic audits of campus departments to determine status of authorized keys
    2. The primary responsibility for maintenance and service of buildings and grounds rests with Facilities Management. Facilities Management is responsible for all maintenance, repair, and installation of locking systems.  Additionally, it:
      1. Facilitates all key requests.
      2. Issues keys to approved individuals or departmental designees.
      3. Maintains current and accurate key control records.
      4. Creates and maintains a keying system that provides security and reasonable access to departments occupying campus facilities.
      5. Manufactures all keys and/or controls all cylinders.
      6. Maintains a secure file for original keys furnished with all new buildings, additions, or renovations.
      7. Issues periodic reports as required.
      8. Performs all maintenance and repairs of locking systems.
      9. Consults with Campus Police concerning records of lost or stolen keys and decisions to rekey.
      10. In consultation with Facilities Management, approves all new access control systems and modifications to existing systems.
    3. All College property using locking devices will be capable of being combinated to the College master key system.
    4. The liability for issued keys rests with the department to which they are given. All keys remain the property of the College, and criminal prosecution may be brought against those in possession of keys when not authorized to possess them. Obsolete or unneeded keys must be returned to Facilities Management to clear the account of the person to whom they were assigned. Keys are not to be transferred within a department from one employee to another.
    5. Individuals are limited to one key per room or area with the understanding that they may be held personally responsible for all keys issued to them.
  4. Approving Authority for Keys:
    1. The following unit administrators are authorized to control the issuance of keys to individuals within their assigned areas:
      1. President
      2. Vice Presidents
      3. Dean(s)Directors
      4. Department Supervisors or Chairs
    2. This authority is recognized by means of a Key Action Form (available on the MSC Commons/MSC Forms) submitted to Campus Facilities. No key will be issued without the written approval of a unit administrator mentioned above.
    3. Keys will not be issued for access to the following areas unless approved by the President:
      1. Office of the President
      2. Boardroom
      3. Office of the Chief Financial Officer
      4. Office of the Chief Academic Officer
      5. Office of the Chief Student Affairs Officer
  5. Unauthorized Use and Reproduction of Keys:
    1. Individuals are not allowed to possess an unauthorized key to property owned by MSC.
    2. Individuals are not allowed to duplicate any key to property owned by MSC.
    3. Violation of these this policy and procedure will result in disciplinary action leading to dismissal of employment and may include criminal prosecution.
  6. Requests for Rekeying:
    1. When circumstances warrant, departments may request rekeying of locks. These requests may arise from new access needs, lost keys, change of personnel, or other conditions.
    2. A Key Action Form (available on the MSC Commons/MSC Forms)must be given to Campus Police before rekeying of an area will be authorized.
    3. Requests for rekeying should be submitted in writing to the President. All requests are reviewed to determine the appropriate action to be taken.
    4. Requests for rekeying are not considered routine maintenance, and departments requesting rekeying will be billed for the work.
  7. Keys to Areas Removed from the Master Key System:
    1. When it is deemed absolutely necessary to remove an area from the master key system, the requesting department will send a written request listing the appropriate justification to Campus Police. Campus Police will perform an evaluation of the request. Campus Police will send the original request, their evaluation, and recommendations to the responsible unit administrator for approval/disapproval. If approval is granted, the documentation will be sent to Facilities Management for implementation. No extra keys will be kept by Facilities Management or Campus Police for these areas, nor will any keys be cut except those authorized by a properly approved key request.
    2. Once approved, the requesting department will furnish Campus Police with the names and phone numbers of at least two people who will be available to respond to after-hour calls should an emergency arise in the area. In the event that Campus Police or Facilities Management is unable to reach these individuals and the safety of the building and/or its occupants make it necessary to force entry, the department originally authorizing removal of the area from the master key system will be liable for and will be required to pay for all cost of repairs necessitated from forced entry into the area.
  8. Special Door Locks:
    1. All requests for special door locks must be approved by the appropriate unit administrator and sent to Facilities Management with written justification. Facilities Management will determine if there is a demonstrated need that cannot be met by the existing locking systems. Departments may not order and/or install any locking device without written approval from Facilities Management in concurrence with the Campus Police.
  9. Departmental Keys:
    1. Departmental keys are those used by several people within a department. Departmental keys will be kept in a secure area during non-business hours and will not be removed from the College. Departmental keys will be issued to one person within the department who will be responsible for those items. Departmental keys will be kept in a secured cabinet or like area and should be signed for when removed. Individual desks are not considered secure storage for College keys.
  10. Vendor and Contractor Keys:
    1. Vendors and contractors who need access to portions of College property (telephone service, elevator service, vending, etc.) may be issued keys through Campus Police. Vendors will be responsible for rekeying costs if the issued keys are lost or not returned upon the expiration period. Vendors will be required to sign a written agreement prior to receiving any keys.
  11. Lost or Stolen Keys:
    1. Lost or stolen keys must be reported to Campus Police within 24 hours of the discovery of the loss or theft using the Lost or Stolen Key(s) Form (available on the MSC Commons/MSC Forms).
    2. Individuals are responsible for safekeeping and will be responsible for associated charges if their keys are lost, stolen, or not returned when leaving the institution. Replacement fees for keys missing or stolen from a desk, cabinet, locker, or similar place are assessed as outlined in this policy.
    3. Charges for lost, stolen, or unreturned keys are set by Facilities Management, approved by the chief financial officer, and will be reviewed annually for adequacy and adjusted as deemed necessary.
    4. Current minimum charges for each key are as follows:
      1. Individual Door: $50.00
      2. 2. Outside Door:  $75.00
      3. 3.  Sub-Master:  $150.00
      4. Building Master: $500.00
      5. Intellikey: $150.00
    5. Lost or stolen keys will require the rekeying of affected areas unless otherwise approved by the unit administrator in concurrence with Facilities Management and Campus Police.
    6. An investigative review will be conducted by Campus Police in each instance of lost or stolen keys. Mandatory rekeying can be waived only upon written notification by the unit administrator, Campus Police, and Facilities Management.
    7. A maximum amount of $10,000.00 per department affected will be assessed to the individual whose actions necessitated rekeying of affected areas.
    8. In the event an individual forgets their keys or is otherwise locked out of a facility for which they have been assigned a key, Facilities Maintenance and/or Campus Police will be available to unlock those particular facilities specifically for and in the presence of the individual who has been assigned the key.
  12. Miscellaneous Requirements and Prohibitions:
    1. The exchanging or lending of keys between individuals is prohibited.
    2. When keys are no longer needed by an individual or department, they must be returned to Facilities Management.
    3. Upon dismissal of an employee, the key will be returned immediately to Facilities Management.
    4. It is always the responsibility of the individual assigned to an office or laboratory, and those using facilities after hours, to ensure that doors are locked when leaving the area or at the conclusion of their work.



  1. Individual/Department/Community Member:
    1. Complete a Key Action Form (available on the MSC Commons/MSC Forms).
    2. Forward the Key Action Form to the unit administrator for signature.
    3. Upon approval, send the original Key Action Form to Facilities Management.
  2. Campus Police:
    1. Will evaluate any key request from a community member or organization and determine the appropriateness of that request. Campus Police and Facilities Management must co-approve all community related key requests for the campus.
  3. Facilities Management:
    1. Maintain a sequence file for each key code, listing the names of all people issued a key cut to that code, along with the key numbers and status of each key.
  4. Authorized Key Holder:
    1. Pick up the key in the Office of Facilities Management by showing photo identification.
    2. Return the key to the Facilities Management when key is no longer needed or authorized key holder is leaving the institution.


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