
57 Secondary Employment

Policy Statement (Board Approval Date:  03/22/11)

Although full-time employment at MSC is considered to be one’s primary employment, staff members may engage in secondary employment provided that the employment does not interfere with assigned duties and responsibilities or constitute a conflict of interest.


  1. Secondary employment, including employment by MSC in roles secondary to that of the staff member’s primary, full-time employment, must occur outside of the staff member’s work period. For most staff members, this would mean that supplemental work must be limited to hours outside the M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. time frame for most College business.  Similar time restrictions apply to staff members in positions requiring different hours. Staff members who teach classes within their regular work periods will receive no additional compensation, unless by agreement with their supervisor,  they use annual leave time for the teaching time or make up the lost work time during the same pay period   Staff members who teach classes outside their regular work periods do receive additional compensation.
  2. Staff members wishing to hold secondary employment involving a number of hours equal to more than 20 percent of their standard college working time in any pay period or to earn an amount of money equal to more than 20 percent of their college pay for any pay period must obtain in advance the permission of their supervisors.
  3. Supervisors may grant exemptions to these rules for the operators of private businesses and agricultural enterprises, equivalent to family farms and ranches.
  4. Staff members are required to submit a completed Secondary Employment Request Form (MSC COMMONS) to HR if any employee engages in secondary employment.


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