
18 Non-Academic Criteria for Admission

  1. In addition to the academic criteria the institution shall consider the following non-academic criteria in deciding whether an applicant/student will be granted admission:
    1. Whether an applicant has been expelled, suspended, denied admission or denied readmission by any educational institution.
    2. Whether an applicant has been convicted of a felony or convicted of any lesser crime  involving moral turpitude.
    3. Whether an applicant’s conduct has been such that if, at the time of the conduct in question, the applicant had been a student at the institution to which application is made, the course of conduct would have been grounds for expulsion, suspension, dismissal or denial of readmission.
  2. If the institution finds that an applicant has any of the above, then the institution shall deny admission to applicant if it decides that any of the events described above indicate the applicant’s unfitness, at the time of application, to be a student at the institution.
  3. If the applicant is denied admission on any of the foregoing grounds, there must be substantial evidence supporting the basis for denial.  In addition, the Admissions Review Team made up of the Registrar, MSC Police Chief, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, and a representative from Student Affairs will:
    1. Afford the applicant an opportunity to be heard.
    2. Advise the applicant the grounds for denial.
    3. Advise the applicant the facts used to form a basis of the denial.

The Admissions Review Team has been established as a mechanism to guarantee the proper administration of the procedural safeguards outlined in this section.  If the student wishes to appeal this decision they may appeal to the Admission and Appeals Committee.


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