
103 Use/Alteration of College Property

Policy Statement:

Murray State College is a public institution of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education.  Therefore: the use of college property must be directed toward the fulfillment of the official functions assigned to the institution; and, the use of college property must be in accordance with applicable laws, statutes, regulations, and established College procedures.


  1. Use of College Property: The following guidelines are to be followed in the use of College-owned property:
    1. Properties that are classified as auxiliary enterprises are to be used at the expense of those granted authorization to use the facilities at the established price authorized by the College. “Auxiliary enterprises” are entities operated by the institution on a self-supporting basis primarily for the purpose of providing services to students, staff, and faculty that are not provided by the educational and general operations of the institution. The general public may be served by some auxiliary enterprises.  Examples of auxiliary enterprises are residence halls, dining halls, student unions, bookstores, student activities, motor pool, etc.
    2. Properties that are classified as educational facilities may be used by non-profit organizations; by community groups for educational services; by students and employees for civic, cultural entertainment, and/or educational purposes; and by other groups for similar purposes. “Educational facilities” are those possessions of the institution that were derived through expenditures of public funds including federal and state appropriations, which are designed primarily for educational purposes and supported and maintained through the educational and general budget.
    3. Where fees are assessed, collections are made, or other types of admissions are charged in the use of College property/facilities, the person or persons responsible for the event must satisfy the College that the non-profit stipulation of this policy is honored.
    4. Activities that make use of College property/facilities must be open to the general public and must be available to all persons on an equal basis regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, handicap, or status as a veteran.
  2. Use of College-Owned Vehicles and Equipment: Vehicles and equipment owned by MSC are not to be rented or loaned to external entities without prior written approval of the President or his/her designee.
    1. Driver and Vehicle Standards for Motor Pool Vehicle Use:
      1. Eligibility: Any state employee who has been ticketed for two or more at fault accidents while driving a College vehicle or his/her own vehicle during a 24-month period is not eligible to drive a state vehicle and is not insurable under the state’s Risk Management plan.  State Risk Management reserves the right to ensure for liability insurance only those state employees or volunteers it deems insurable.  To facilitate this right, Risk Management may request Motor Vehicle Records from the Department of Public Safety.  Any information found on the report that may be negative toward the driving record of the individual employee or volunteer driver may be cause for Risk Management to determine said individual as uninsurable.  Negative driving record information would include but not be limited to suspension of driver’s license, DUI’s, excessive tickets, etc.
      2. Liability Responsibility: In the event of a loss involving an uninsurable individual operating a college vehicle, Risk Management will refuse to pay for such loss(es) out of the Risk Management Comprehensive Risk Pool.  Losses incurred under such conditions will be borne by the individual driving the vehicle.
    2. Requirements for Motor Pool Vehicle Operation: Following are requirements for motor pool vehicle operation:
      1. Individual must have a valid driver’s license.
      2. Driver will use vehicle only for state or other covered entity business within the scope of the driver’s employment/authority.
      3. Driver will wear his/her seat belt.
      4. Driver will observe all traffic laws.
      5. Driver will not allow an unauthorized occupant to drive or ride in the vehicle.
      6. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or narcotics prior to and/or during the operation of a motor pool vehicle is prohibited.
      7. Smoking is prohibited in College vehicles.
    3. Occupant Restriction for Vans: At no time is the number of occupants in the large College vans to exceed nine persons, including the driver, for safety reasons.
    4. Use of College Telephones: The College’s telephone system and cellular phones are to be used for college business.  In the event a personal long distance call must be made through the campus telephone system, it must be charged to another number, i.e., employee’s home phone, calling card number, phone card, collect call, etc.  Personal use of college cellular phones is prohibited.
    5. Telephone Security: If students gain access to an employee’s telephone/cellular phone for unauthorized use, it is the responsibility of that employee.
    6. FAX Machine: The College has a FAX machine located in the Media Center.  The FAX number is 580-371-9844 and charges may apply.
    7. Copy Machines: Use copy machines only when necessary.  Cost of the copy machines is on a per copy charge.  Any decrease in usage will decrease cost.  The copy machines are for college purposes, and personal copying should be paid by the individual.
    8. Computer Use: College computer equipment and network systems are to be used for college business.  Additional procedural information is available in the Information Technology section of this manual.
    9. Alteration of College Property: Alteration, repair, and/or restoration of College property (facilities, grounds, etc.) may only be done by individuals authorized and approved by Facilities Management.  Alteration of College property without prior written approval from Facilities Management is prohibited.   Any individual responsible for unauthorized alteration of College property is subject to disciplinary action and will be held personally responsible for all costs related to the repair/restoration of the affected facility/area.



Murray State College Institutional Policies and Procedures Copyright © by Murray State College. All Rights Reserved.