
99 Solicitation

Policy Statement:

Solicitation on campus is allowed only as provided for in established procedures.


  1. Solicitation: Solicitation on campus is allowed only as outlined in this chapter.
  2. Definition: Campus solicitation is defined to include the selling of goods or services, political activities, religious activities, military and college recruitment, posters, handouts, and group membership canvasses by any on-campus or off-campus individual or group.
  3. Guidelines:
    1. Private business or solicitation may not be conducted on College property except:
      1. When a student organization has requested a particular service and such service is directly relevant to the stated purposes of that organization, or
      2. When the activity serves to promote the educational mission of MSC.
    2. All requests are subject to the approval of the Vice President for Business Affairs and must meet the following conditions:
      1. Anyone wishing to solicit on campus must be approved 48 hours in advance of the activity by the Vice President for Business Affairs.
      2. No disruption of traffic, either vehicular or pedestrian, is involved.
      3. Funds derived from activities must be used for purposes consistent with the goals of the organization.
      4. Campus mail may not be used.
      5. Requests must be approved 48 hours in advance of the activity.
      6. Activities held on the College campus must be restricted to a specified and acceptable area.
      7. No employee or student is compelled to participate or suffer reprimand for not participating in solicitation.
    3. The following additional guidelines governing on-campus political activities must be followed:
      1. General postings on campus or in buildings of handbills, cards, banners, etc. are prohibited.
      2. General handouts on campus grounds adjacent to buildings or in buildings are not permitted.
      3. The use of mobile or stationary amplified sound systems for political purposes on campus grounds and streets is prohibited.
    4. In order to avoid over saturation of the students, the following limitations for solicitation by outside groups apply:
      1. Religious organizations – one day per semester per denomination.
      2. Military organizations – one day per semester per military branch.


Murray State College Institutional Policies and Procedures Copyright © by Murray State College. All Rights Reserved.