
96 Purchasing

Policy Statement:

It is the intent of the Board to purchase, for the least expenditure of funds, the optimum quality for the function to be served.

The following principles apply:

  1. The President may assign responsibilities for initiation and review of requests for expenditures as he/she sees fit to best implement the internal organization developed for the College;
  2. The chief financial officer, with the approval of the President, is authorized to negotiate and enter into operating and capital leases based on state statutes;
  3. Whenever feasible, state contracts are to be utilized in purchasing and procurement of goods and materials;
  4. When the item or items to be purchased can be furnished by only one company, agency, or individual in an amount greater than the limit established by state statute, a sole source affidavit is required;
  5. If, in the judgment of the chief financial officer and the President, a situation exists that requires immediate action to purchase, expend, or lease in an amount greater than the limit established by Murray State College policies the action is authorized provided any such action is reported to the Board at its next regular meeting;
  6. Personnel appointments and Professional Services Contracts are exempt from the requirements set forth in this section;
  7. Contracts let and purchases made on the basis of bids will be awarded to the lowest and/or best bidder in all cases. The Board recognizes service as being an important consideration in the determination of the lowest and/or best bid;
  8. Exempt from Board approval are purchases of food, forage, veterinary supplies, items for resale, gasoline, oil, fuel, and utilities



Murray State College has established procedures to be followed when purchases are made on behalf of the institution.  These guidelines are written to conform to applicable Oklahoma Statutes, federal law, and MSC Board policies.  College personnel who fail to follow these procedures may be held personally and/or legally liable for any unauthorized purchase.  (See the Purchase Order form available on the MSC Commons/MSC Forms).

  1. Purchasing Procedures: The following procedures are necessary to pay college debts promptly and to ensure that the College is in compliance with applicable Oklahoma statutes regarding the College purchasing procedure.
  2. Committing Institutional Resources: Any employee committing institutional resources in violation of federal, state, or MSC policies and procedures will be subject to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for such decisions. Employees are requested to work with the Business Office when committing institutional resources to ensure compliance with applicable policies and procedures.  Some commitments require the approval of the Board of Regents and/or the President or designee.

Title 74 O.S. 2001, Section 85.3a, exempts the institutions, centers and other constituent agencies of The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education from compliance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.  As a result, Murray State College has developed the following guidelines as acceptable procedures to be followed when purchases are to be made on behalf of the college.  The intent of this guide is to assist college personnel in the procurement of items, and to insure that both the college and the vendor are protected in the process.  Exceptions to these procedures may be made if approved by the President or his/her designee when circumstances warrant or when it is in the best interests of the institution to grant an exception.

Having the authority to commit institutional funds has a responsibility that accompanies it.  It is the responsibility of the purchaser to follow the procedures to ensure continued authority to commit funds.  College personnel who fail to follow these procedures may be held personally liable for any unauthorized purchase and may be subject to disciplinary actions including dismissal, and/or, criminal charges.

Emergency purchases, auxiliary operations, agency and fiduciary accounts, sole source purchases, and other agency special transactions may be exempt from these procedures.  Questions regarding exemptions should be directed to the CFO.


The authority to purchase items on behalf of the college begins with the approval of a departmental/organizational budget.  The budget specifies the dollar amount, which is available to spend.  Purchases must be made within the limits set by the budget.  The Business Office maintains a list of approved signatures, which authorize expenditures of funds from a particular budget.  Requisitions/PO must be approved by the individual authorized to purchase before approval will be given.  Supervisors or other authorized individuals may request that additional signatures be required within their respective areas of responsibility.  The President or his/her designee has authority to sign for all areas when necessary.


Murray State College has established four procedural categories for purchasing based upon the expected/known cost of the item to be purchased.  Payments for recurring expenses such as utilities, maintenance and software agreements, lease payments and professional services are not considered purchases in this regard and therefore do not fall under the limits described below.


Less than $10,000 – The department making the purchases will issue a Requisition/PO and forward to the Business Office through the appropriate channels.

$10,000 to $50,000 – Items expected to cost in this range must be bid as per Procedures for Soliciting Bids for items costing more than $10,000 to $50,000.

More than $50,000 – Items expected to cost in this range must be bid as per Procedures for Soliciting Bids for items costing $50,000 or more.  Items purchased costing more than $50,000 require approval of the Murray State College Board of Regents.



Emergency purchases require an Emergency Purchase Affidavit (Commons).  When the need for services and materials requires immediate action, every effort will be made to give immediate attention to get orders placed with a satisfactory vendor.  Emergency orders are made when an emergency exists including dangerous situations that threaten the peace, health, or safety of people or property.

Board approval is required for purchases over the amounts specified in the Procedures for Soliciting Bids.



Departments are encouraged to use “state contract” established by the State Central Purchasing Division whenever departmental needs can be served adequately and economically.  Other college and university contracts may be used as a “state contract” as well as other purchasing consortia such as E & I Cooperative, federal contracts, etc.  When using an existing contract, the contract name and number must be included on the Purchase Requisition


The principle means of communication between college departments and the Business Office is through use of the Requisition/PO.  When a department wishes to purchase supplies, equipment, or services, a Requisition/PO must be issued and forwarded to the Business Office through the approved channels.  All Requisition/PO’s must provide full information as to specifications, estimated or quoted cost and a full name and address of preferred vendor.  Federal Identification Number (FEI #) and/or Social Security Number must be on the form in order to be processed.  Separated forms must be used when making purchases from different vendors.

The Requisition/PO documents the approval of the purchase and verifies that funds are available and encumbered prior to the order being placed.  This is necessary for the Business Office to be able to assure current and accurate departmental account balances.

Procurement of capital items such as equipment, furniture and fixtures, etc. will be processed in accordance with established purchasing procedures and may require additional approvals; computer equipment and software must be approved prior to purchase by the IT department before submitting the requisition/PO to the Business Office.  Requisition/PO Forms can be found on the MSC Commons.

Directions for Completion of Requisition/PO Form (Commons; MSC Forms)

  1. Account Name – name of the budget the item is to be charged to.
  2. Board Approval Date – this is necessary for items costing in excess of $25,000; also, some items may require Board approval for other reasons.
  3. State Contract No. – number should be listed if purchase is made from a State Contract
  4. Vendor – Vendor name, address and telephone number is required before request will be processed.
  5. FEI – Federal Identification Number is mandatory for all purchases. SSN will substitute when no FEI number is available.
  6. Ordering Department – this information is necessary for the vendor to be able to identify who is actually ordering the item; if there is any question regarding the order, this should be the individual that the vendor would contact.
  7. Deliver to – this identifies where (location on campus) the item should be delivered.
  8. Item No. – if buying more than one item from the same vendor, each should be listed and numbered.
    1. Quantity – number of each item you are ordering.
    2. Description – detailed description of the item to be purchased.
    3. Unit price – price of one item.
    4. Estimated or Quoted amount – quantity purchased times the unit price.
  9. Inquiries from Purchasing Office to be directed to – if Business Office has any questions, name of individual to call. This is the person that the Business Office will return the receiving copy of the Requisition/PO to.
  10. Signature Section: The signatures in this area represent those individuals requesting to make a purchase, those that have the authority to spend money from a particular budget, and administrative review
  11. Requested: Head of Department – signature of individual requesting purchase.
  12. Recommended: Administrative Officer – Signature of individual with authority to purchase from the budget indicated.
  13. Approved: Vice President – Vice President of Business Affairs or his/her designee; verifies budget account.
  14. Approved: Accounting Department – verification of availability of funds.

RECEIVING REPORTS – Copy of Approved Requisition/PO

Once approved, the individual who requested the PO will be able to view the PO in Aggies Online.  In case of error or problem with the order, the Business Office should be notified immediately.

In accepting delivery, it is the responsibility of the department to promptly inspect all purchases, including opening and checking the contents.  The department must determine whether the quality and quantity of the items purchased conform to specifications included in the Requisition/PO.  The department supervisor or the authorized representative must certify receipt by signing the invoice.  A copy of the Requisition/PO bearing notations of any exceptions, deviations, or qualifications, as well as all invoices, credit memos, freight or express bills, etc., are to be forwarded without delay to the Business Office to expedite payment.  Partial payments are authorized to take advantage of cash discounts offered for prompt payment when it results in savings to the college or if such payment serves the best interest of the college.


A blanket requisition authorizes unspecified purchases from vendors, including the procurement card provider, not to exceed a stated amount.  A Requisition/PO form must be used for blanket requisitions.  This type of purchase is to be used in purchasing situations where the normal requisition time rules are not practical or when using a college issued procurement card.  A Requisition/PO will be prepared with the appropriate information and approvals then forwarded to the vendor.  Blanket requisitions must be issued for a stated period of time and a definite amount of money.  Purchases made against blanket requisitions should be limited to supplies or services of small dollar value.  Equipment cannot be procured on blanket requisitions.  Office supplies available from the campus bookstore would be an example of items conducive to purchase through the use of blanket requisitions.

JACKET FORMS – Requisition/PO Form

When it is not possible or practical to use the Requisition/PO procedure, a department may use Jacket Forms for purchases made.  A jacket form is used to process payment for goods and/or services when the normal Requisition/PO procedure is not used.  The term Jacket refers to the front page of a Requisition/PO form which when accompanied by an invoice will be processed for payment.  Examples of transactions in which jackets are used include utility bills, telephone bills, club accounts, and payment made in situations where a Requisition/PO is not possible or practical.

The Business Office monitors the use of invoice-attached jackets and may limit or suspend departments from using jackets when the procedure is over-used or abused and/or it is in the best interest of the college to do so.


If it is necessary to change a Requisition/PO, the department should provide written details to the Business Office who will in turn implement the necessary changes.


If the department receives a partial shipment, a copy of the Requisition/PO and invoice noting the quantity received, date, and signature of the college purchaser should be forwarded to the Business Office.  The original should be kept by the department until the full order is received.


If a shipment arrives with visible damages, the department employee should insist that the freight bills be noted “Received in Damaged Condition” and proceed with arrangements for an “Inspection Report” by the carrier’s representative.  All boxes and packing materials should be saved until after the carrier has made an inspection.  In case of damage made to a parcel post delivery, the local Postmaster should be contacted followed by written notice to the vendor with a copy sent to the Business Office.  Defective merchandise or substitute materials should be reported to the Business Office by written memorandum.  The memorandum should contain the department supervisor’s report of the complaint and suggestions or information sufficient to use as a basis for adjustment.  The decision to accept an offer of adjustment must be mutually agreed to by the department supervisor and the Business Office.


Goods must not be returned without first securing permission of both the vendor and the Business Office.  When authorization is obtained, all shipping instructions should be followed and all shipping labels or tags should be attached as directed by the authorization document.  The requesting department should send the vendor a letter/memo of transmittal, copy to the Business Office for authorization, which explains full particulars of each returned shipment, including date, Requisition/PO number, and name of carrier.


If unordered or unidentified material is delivered, the Business Office should be notified promptly since shipments are occasionally misdirected by vendors.  The College will accept no responsibility for merchandise received except when delivered in accordance with an official Requisition/PO.


College auxiliary services and student activities are authorized to use Requisitions/PO and/or invoice-attached jackets for purchases.


The College places no restriction on the expenditures of custodial accounts.  Payments will be processed on a Jacket Form (Requisition/PO Form) as requested by authorized individuals.


The State of Oklahoma requires that obligations/bills be paid with 45 days from the date of the invoice.



Purchases of $10,000 to $50,000 in cost should be bid by soliciting a minimum of three providers of the item/items to be purchased.  Purchases of $50,000 or more must be competitively bid as indicated in the following procedures.  Purchases of $50,000 or more must have approval of the MSC Board of Regents.  Documentation of all information is mandatory and includes:

  1. Written description/specifications of the item to be bid which includes a list of suggested/potential vendors – minimum of three. More vendors may be added to this list by the Business Office.
  2. Date, time, and location of the bid opening. Any special instructions for submitting a valid bid should be included, i.e., pre-bid conferences, tours of facilities, etc.
  3. Budget – appropriate source of funds cited.
  4. Notarized Non-Collusion Affidavit.

Exceptions to these requirements may be made including, but not limited to, items purchased for resale, sole source items, professional services, farm related purchases, purchases from other state agencies, state contract items, purchases made with auxiliary account funds and others allowed by Board policy.  Questions regarding an exception should be directed to the CFO.

  1. Procedures for soliciting bids for items costing $10,000 or more but less than $50,000. Bids may be solicited in writing or by telephone, both of which require the necessary documentation as cited in a. – d. above.
  2. Request for Solicitation of Written Bids.
    1. Contact the Executive Assistant to the CFO to inform of the intent to bid.
    2. A bid number will be assigned and file set up at that time.
    3. A bid request sheet will be provided and is to be completed and returned for review/approval and solicitation.
    4. After bids are received, the file will be returned to the person originating the request for their review and recommendation.
    5. A vendor recommendation is made by the originating party to the CFO who will then approve or forward thru appropriate channels for approval.
    6. After approval a Requisition/PO with appropriate signatures should by forward from the originating party to the Business Office. The Business Office personnel will assign the appropriate numbers/coding to validate the Requisition/PO and then forward to the successful vendor unless otherwise specified.
  3. Request for solicitation of Telephone Bids.
    1. Contact the Executive Assistant to the CFO to inform of the intent to bid.
    2. A bid number will be assigned and file set up at that time.
    3. A phone bid request sheet will be provided and is to be completed and returned by the originating party with a vendor recommendation and appropriated documentation (see Statement on Bid Requirements) to the CFO for review.
    4. The CFO will approve or forward thru appropriate channels for approval.
    5. A Requisition/PO will appropriate signatures should be forwarded from the originating party to the Business Office. Business Office personnel will then assign the appropriate numbers/coding to validate the Requisition/PO and forward to the successful vendor unless otherwise specified.
  4. Procedures for soliciting competitive bids for items costing $50,000 or more.
    1. Contact the Executive Assistant to the CFO to inform of the intent to bid.
    2. A bid number will be assigned and file set up at that time.
    3. Detailed written specifications will be requested from the originating party and should be submitted for review and solicitation. A list of potential vendors should be included.  Public notices will be placed in local/area newspapers when necessary as dictated by law and will be charged to the same budget from which the purchase is made unless otherwise noted or approved.
    4. After bids are received, the file will be returned to the person originating the request for their review and recommendation.
    5. A vendor recommendation is made to the CFO who will then approve/or forward thru appropriate channels for approval and then to the MSC Board of Regents.
    6. Upon approval by the Board of Regents, a Requisition/PO with appropriate signatures should by forward from the originating party to the Business Office. Business Office personnel will assign the appropriate numbers/coding to validate the Requisition/PO and then forward to the successful vendor.

All bid documents for items over $10,000 will remain on file in the CFO Office for a period of three years.  Files older than three years will be moved to the designated administrative storage area.

Exceptions may be made to the requirements specified above with special permission and will require written documentation for the requested exception.  Exceptions include but are not limited to Sole Source purchases and purchases made in emergency situations.


PROCUREMENT CARD PROCEDURES (Updated:  10-04-11; Updated 08.31.16) *Exhibits referenced in this section can be found on MSC FORMS listed as Pro Card Exhibits

Be advised, inappropriate use of the MSC ProCard including splitting purchases in order to circumvent limits which is prohibited by law, will result in disciplinary action. Charges resulting from inappropriate use or abuse become the personal liability of the authorized cardholder. Personal use of the card can result in disciplinary actions including dismissal, and or, criminal charges.

The ProCard Program has been established in order to expedite the purchasing process.  It is intended as an option for small dollar purchasing or purchases less than $10,000. Larger purchases may be made by those authorized to do so and will require special arrangements by the Chief Finance Officer.

Each card has a single/daily transaction limit as well as a monthly transaction limit.  You will be informed of your limits upon receipt of your card.  Purchases should comply with these limits as well as the amount of your budget (total amount you have available to spend).  It is your responsibility to make sure you do not exceed the limits established.

ProCard items are generally due on the 18th of each month.  This day may fluctuate some depending on weekends, holidays, etc. Failure to turn in information on or before the 18th of the month may result in ProCard privileges being suspended!

Prohibited or Special Circumstance Items:

Murray State College has established purchasing policies and procedures. The same purchasing policies and procedures apply to purchases made with the ProCard.  The products or services below fall into categories of special risk, importance, oversight, or sensitivity. Generally, departments may not use the ProCard for these items:

  1. Computer Systems and Peripherals (printers, label writers, monitors, etc.) – All technology purchases must go through MSC IT.
  2. MSC Bookstore or Murray on Main purchases – A Purchase Order must be utilized
  3. Equipment Rentals – These usually require a contract to be signed. Only the CFO or President can enter into contracts on behalf of MSC.
  4. Fuel – Please note that fuel is purchased through the use of MSC Motor Pool fuel cards.
  5. Any purchase which supplier insists on written contract or agreement. Only the CFO or President can enter into contracts on behalf of MSC.
  6. Advertising – Most advertising is conducted through MSC Director of Communications or Human Resources.
  7. Labor/Services/Consulting, etc. These usually require a contract to be signed. Only the CFO or President can enter into contracts on behalf of MSC.
  8. Equipment Rentals – These usually require a contract to be signed. Only the CFO or President can enter into contracts on behalf of MSC.
  9. MSC Athletic Department, please follow your specific ProCard procedures.
  10. For student meals when traveling on school sponsored activities, please follow meal purchases information in the Travel section below.
  11. Cash Advances
  12. Postage – Postage is handled through the MSC Media Center.
  13. Personal Items
  14. Meals, Food, and Beverages

NOTE – Generally, the purchase of food and meals is prohibited. The State of Oklahoma has very specific guidelines that govern the purchase of food.  If food needs to be purchased, an email requesting to do so must be sent to the CFO for approval prior to the purchase.  Please include the purpose, estimated amount to be spent, and budget to be used. In addition, please do not wait until you are at the restaurant to ask for the exception. Cards have to be adjusted through our provider to allow for a one-time food purchase.

Exceptions may be made for some of the above items dependent upon the purpose for which the purchase is being made. Contact the Business Affairs Office for any questions regarding exceptions.

ProCard for Travel


Murray State College has established purchasing policies and procedures. The same purchasing policies and procedures apply to travel-related purchases made with the ProCard.  The travel-related items listed below fall into categories of special risk, importance, oversight, or sensitivity. ProCard have to be adjusted through our provider to allow for these types of purchases.

No travel expenses shall be incurred on the MSC ProCard without first having a completed, signed and approved Request Permission to Travel form! If not, employee may be liable for unauthorized charges.

  1.  Lodging
    1. Generally, the purchase of lodging is acceptable provided it is at the “state” rate or the official designated lodging of the meeting.  It should exclude taxes if possible.
    3.  Reimbursable expenses will be taken care of through the employee travel process upon return.
    4.  If circumstances warrant the need to purchase lodging on an MSC ProCard, prior approval must be received from the CFO using the Request for Permission to Travel form.
    5.  MSC Athletic Department, please follow your specific ProCard procedures.
  2. Conference Registration
    1. If circumstances warrant (earlybird discount,etc.)the need to purchase registration on an MSC ProCard, prior approval must be received from the CFO using the Request for Permission to Travel form.
  3. Airfare
    1. Generally, the purchase of airfare is done directly from a State-approved travel agency using a Purchase Order.
    2. In certain rare circumstances, purchases of airfare may be made directly from a travel site or airline.  If the user wishes to purchase through these other sources, prior approval must be received from the CFO using the Request for Permission to Travel form.
    3. A comparison showing that airfare purchased directly using the ProCard instead of the State approved travel agency is cheaper must be provided.
  4. Other Travel Expenses
    1. The purchase of other travel related expenses (baggage, shuttle, parking, etc.) is allowed in an as needed manner.
    2. If circumstances warrant the need to purchase travel related items on an MSC ProCard, prior approval must be received from the CFO using the Request for Permission to Travel form.
  5. Meals
    1. The purchase of employee meals is prohibited.  Employees are reimbursed based on per diem rates.
    2. The purchase of meals related to student travel such as a field trip, meeting, conference, etc. is allowed.
    3.  If circumstances warrant the need to purchase student meals on an MSC ProCard, prior approval must be received from the CFO in writing. Please email CFO for permission.
    4. When turning in student meal-related ProCard items, a listing with all student names traveling and receiving meals must be included.
  6. Car Rentals
    1. These usually require a contract to be signed. Only the CFO or President can enter into contracts on behalf of MSC.  Therefore, car rentals are prohibited.

Be advised, inappropriate use of the MSC ProCard including splitting purchases in order to circumvent limits which is prohibited by law, will result in disciplinary action. Charges resulting from inappropriate use or abuse become the personal liability of the authorized cardholder. Personal use of the card can result in disciplinary actions including dismissal, and or, criminal charges.

Record Keeping

You are responsible to keep auditable records. This includes retaining copies of invoices, purchase confirmations (such as for on-line purchases), price quotes, etc.  Signed & dated copies of invoices and receipts for products purchased with the ProCard along with a copy of the purchase order MUST be forwarded to the Business Office.  Auditors will randomly pull transactions from the main transaction list and may visit the departments that made the purchase to verify departmental records.

Office copies must be retained for a period of two (2) years. This is very important!














Customer Service


JPMorgan Chase’s 24-hour customer service team is available for assistance at 1-800-270-7760 or by using the number on the back of your card with:

  • Reporting Lost/Stolen Cards
  • Balance Inquiry
  • Disputes Assistance
  • Fraud Inquiry
  • Declined Cards
  • Lost Receipts

For questions about the MSC ProCard, please contact Justin Cellum or the Business Office at procard@mscok.edu.


Athletic Team Travel



Unless specifically outlined in this section, all existing MSC ProCard procedures apply to the use of the ProCard for athletic team travel. Please note these procedures only apply to MSC ATHLETIC USERS.  Non-athletic users please disregard this section.


Important Information

Murray State College has established purchasing policies and procedures. The same purchasing policies and procedures apply to purchases made with the ProCard.  Because of the nature and scope of athletic team travel, it is necessary to allow select categories of purchases that, through normal business procedures, are traditionally excluded.  For athletic team travel, the following goods and services may be purchased using the MSC ProCard:

   Lodging related to team travel

o Student lodging costs SHALL NOT exceed set State rates.

   Meals related to team travel

o Student meal costs SHALL NOT exceed set per diem rates.


IMPORTANT – For guidance on allowable amounts, please contact the Office of the VP of Business Affairs.


All other goods and services are prohibited from being purchased through ProCards issued for athletic team travel. Exceptions may be made dependent upon the purpose for which the purchase is being made. Contact the Business Affairs  Office in advance prior to making any purchases outside of the items listed above for any questions regarding exceptions.


Please note that fuel is purchased through the use of MSC Motor Pool fuel cards.


All other guidance referenced in the current MSC Procurement Card (ProCard) Procedures remains intact.



Current Team Rosters

As part of the ProCard submission process, a current student-athlete roster must be included each time the ProCard is used for athletic team meals. The number of meals purchased should not exceed the number of student-athletes on the current roster for that game.


This is not optional! Failure to provide this may result in ProCard privileges being suspended.


Athletic Employee Travel

The employee portion of team travel (per diem, lodging, etc.) must be submitted, processed, and paid through Employee Travel procedures. For complete details, please refer to the related section in the MSC Policies & Procedures manual.


Be advised, inappropriate use of the MSC ProCard including splitting purchases in order to circumvent limits which is prohibited by law, will result in disciplinary action. Charges resulting from inappropriate use or abuse become the personal liability of the authorized cardholder. Personal use of the card can result in disciplinary actions including dismissal, and or, criminal charges.



Note:  For all Sample Exhibits and Tips and Tricks please see MSC Forms to obtain a full copy of all documents.







Emergency purchases require an Emergency Purchase Affidavit (Commons).  When the need for services and materials requires immediate action, every effort will be made to give immediate attention to get orders placed with a satisfactory vendor.  Emergency orders are made when an emergency exists including dangerous situations that threaten the peace, health, or safety of people or property.


Board approval is required for purchases over the amounts specified in the Procedures for Soliciting Bids.





Departments are encouraged to use “state contract” established by the State Central Purchasing Division whenever departmental needs can be served adequately and economically.  Other college and university contracts may be used as a “state contract” as well as other purchasing consortia such as E & I Cooperative, federal contracts, etc.  When using an existing contract, the contract name and number must be included on the Purchase Requisition.



Murray State College Institutional Policies and Procedures Copyright © by Murray State College. All Rights Reserved.