
12 Nepotism

Policy Statement (Board Approval Date: 03/22/11)

Except as prohibited by Oklahoma laws, relationship by consanguinity or by affinity will not, in itself, be a bar to appointment, employment, or advancement in the College nor (in the case of faculty members) to eligibility for tenure of persons so related.


No two persons who are related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree will have direct responsibility for making recommendations regarding appointment, employment, promotion, salary, or tenure for the other nor will either of two persons so related who hold positions in the same internal budgetary unit be appointed to an executive or administrative position for said internal unit.

Waivers may be granted by the President, but performance evaluations and recommendations for compensation and promotion will be made by one not related to the individual being evaluated, as would internal budgetary decisions. The Board is notified of any such waivers at its next meeting.

Relatives that are within the third degree of relationship to an employee by blood or marriage are as follows:

1. Spouse, parent, grandparent, great-grandparent;

2. Parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent of spouse;

3. Uncle or aunt;

4. Uncle or aunt of spouse;

5. Brother or sister;

6. Son or daughter;

7. Son-in-law or daughter-in-law;

8. Grandson or granddaughter or their spouse; and

9. Great-grandson or great-granddaughter or their spouse.


Murray State College Institutional Policies and Procedures Copyright © by Murray State College. All Rights Reserved.