
123 Minors on Campus


Minors on Campus and/or Events Involving Minors

Murray State College has a variety of events that attract minors (under the age of 18), which may be sponsored by the College or by third parties.  These guidelines are meant to serve as guidance for these valuable experiences. The college expects all members of the college community to adhere to, and act in accordance with, these guidelines. Failure to comply with the requirements set forth could result in disciplinary action and or revocation of the opportunity to use college property and facilities.  Please note, these guidelines may not encompass each and every encounter with a minor and should be flexible depending on the circumstances and with the approval of either a supervisor in charge of the area or the Office of Student Affairs. The safety of minors on campus is of utmost importance to the College and these guidelines have been approved in order to provide a safe, fun and productive educational environment.

  1. Reporting Obligations for Sexual Misconduct, Child Abuse, and Neglect

Sexual misconduct, child abuse and neglect.  A minor is anyone under the age of 18.

Under Oklahoma law, if you believe a child is being abused or neglected, you are required to report it to the proper authorities. Reports can be made at any time to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) Abuse and Neglect Hot-line at 1-800-522-3511. The hot-line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In an emergency, or if you see a crime in progress, always call 911 immediately. It is the policy of the college that no MSC faculty, staff, or student making a good faith report of suspected abuse or neglect will be retaliated against in the terms and conditions of employment or educational program at MSC.

Additionally, notify the Murray State College Police Department (MSCPD) at 580-371-1140, the College Title IX Officer at 580-387-7139, and your supervisor of any suspicions.

Reasonable suspicion: One does not have to know with certainty that abuse is taking place. Reasonable cause to believe or suspect that child abuse has occurred is sufficient. When in doubt, report it.

Internal Procedures Following Report of Suspected Abuse

The College will fully cooperate with any external investigation conducted by OKDHS or local law enforcement. Following reporting adults shall also report the matter to the MSC Police Department (MSCPD) Chief of Police, or his/her designee, who in consultation with the Office of the Executive Director for Student Affairs will conduct its own internal evaluation to determine if sanctions are warranted, up to and including termination, dismissal or expulsion. Legal prohibitions regarding physical presence on campus may also be pursued. College administrators shall follow the appropriate procedures in determining and issuing any sanction. If the alleged abuser is one of the college officials identified herein, the MSCPD Chief of Police, or his/her designee, shall report and consult with his/her superior, or in any instance, the President, or the Board of Regents, if appropriate.

The Office of the Executive Director for Student Affairs shall maintain a report of each allegation, as well as a summary of the internal evaluation, and the findings and sanctions, if any, that are imposed.

If the alleged abuser is not a member of the MSC community, but is present at MSC through a third-party vendor or other external entity authorized to be on campus, that external entity will also be notified that the alleged abuser will no longer be permitted on campus/facilities owned by MSC.

Any employee who becomes aware of a failure to comply shall, in addition to any other reports that may be required, report such failure immediately to the Executive Director for Student Affairs or by calling the toll-free hotline number, 866-204-8692.

  1. Required Training

In recognition of the absolute necessity of protecting minors, MSC requires that all adults working with minors participate in college-approved training, annually, regarding policies and issues relating to interactions with minors, including the practices and conduct requirements of this policy, on protecting minors from abusive emotional and physical treatment, and on required reporting of incidents of improper conduct.

Two training requirements are provided through SafeColleges for Employees:

  • Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting
  • Camps on Campus: Keeping Minors Safe

Academic and administrative supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their employees are in compliance with the training requirements outlined in these guidelines.

  1. Employee Guidelines for Bringing Minors to the College

The following guidelines generally apply when bringing minor children to the workplace:

  • Employees should obtain supervisory approval prior to bringing minors into the workplace.
  • Minors should not be brought to work on a regular basis in lieu of childcare.
  • Minors may be brought to work, only occasionally, for the convenience of the employee or due to a family emergency.
  • A parent or guardian must provide supervision at all times.
  • Minors should not be left unattended or with other employees.
  • Minors should not interfere with workplace activities.
  • Minors are not allowed in high-risk areas (“High Risk Areas”), which include:
  • o Laboratories, shops, mechanical rooms, power plants, food preparation areas.
  • o Any areas, indoors or out, containing power tools or machinery with exposed moving parts.
  • o College vehicles, golf carts, grounds equipment, farm equipment, heavy duty or other motorized equipment;
  • o Any other high-risk areas (no playing in stairwells or doorways, no access to rooftops, construction zones, etc.).
  • Exceptions to the above restrictions on having minors in the workplace on a longer term basis or in visiting restricted High Risk Areas may be granted at the discretion of the requesting employee’s supervisor and/or AVP for Facilities/Safety only under the following circumstances:
  • o No risks of injury or illness in excess of everyday risks are present in the workplace.
  • o No significant disruption of the working environment of either the requesting employee or other employees will occur.
  • o The requesting employee agrees waiving claims of liability against the College for those areas in which the employee allows the minor access. An exception, if granted, may be revoked at any time without cause or explanation by the supervisor or the AVP for Facilities/Safety.
  1. Student Guidelines for Bringing Minors to the College
  • A minor should not be left unattended while the parent or guardian is attending class or conducting any other business or social function on campus.
  • The parent or guardian should provide line of sight supervision at all times.
  • Minors are not allowed in High Risk Areas as defined in Section II above.
  • Minors are not allowed in classrooms with the student while classes are in session unless permission is granted by the faculty member. If a minor becomes disruptive, the faculty member may require the student and minor to leave.
  • Computer labs, testing centers or the library are study areas and require adult supervision at all times.
  1. Visitor Guidelines for Bringing Minors to the College
  • The parent or guardian should provide line of sight supervision of minors at all times.
  • A parent or guardian must assure that minors are not disruptive to others.
  • Parent or guardian must not leave minors unattended, including at athletic events or other College activities.
  • Minors are not allowed in High Risk Areas as defined in Section II above.
  1. Minors Enrolled at Murray State College

These guidelines do not apply to minors who are enrolled in College courses or Academic Meets.  Concurrently enrolled high school students and enrolled College students under the age of 18 are subject to all applicable College policies, including the Student Code of Conduct.  College faculty and staff are encouraged to be aware of any student’s status as a minor.

  1. College Sponsored Events/Camps/Activities Involving Minors (Academic meets are exempt)

For College sponsored events, camps, or activities (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Events”), including any Events operated by a College employee/volunteer acting within the scope of his/her employment, the following general guidelines apply:


  • Head Supervisor: Each Event shall designate at least one person as a Head Supervisor and provide his or her contact information to the College.  The Head Supervisor must ensure all minors are properly supervised and shall be the point of contact between the Event and the College.
  • Every minor must be supervised AT ALL TIMES while that minor is participating in the Event.
  • The College generally requires a minimum of at least one adult supervisor for every 12 minors. However, depending on the age of the minors and the Event, higher or lower supervision ratios may be advisable or applicable as determined by the supervisor over the area or upon consultation with the AVP for Facilities/Safety.
  • Supervision is defined as having the minor within line of sight.
  • Supervisors must be at least 18 years old. Minors may not supervise other minors.
  • Generally, minors should not be secluded with the supervisor. Where providing individualized instruction or laboratory experience to a minor, the minor must either be accompanied by an adult or, if the instructor, acting as a supervisor, is alone with the minor, ensure they are in a location where others can see the instructor and the minor (e.g. windows, an open door) or in an area frequented by other people with no expectation of privacy (a laboratory used by other faculty or students).
  • Minors should use the buddy system for restroom breaks and should check in and out with the supervisor for restroom breaks.

Overnight Events:

  • For overnight events in College Housing, the Head Supervisor must provide a schedule of who is on call and provide contact numbers to the Director of Resident Life. Sufficient number of supervisors must be available on the floor to be aware of activity in the rooms, in the corridors, and/or near the exits throughout the night.

Background Checks:

  • Criminal and sex offender background checks: Each employee or volunteer who acts as a supervisor and any employee or volunteer who has substantial contact with minors must have successfully passed a criminal and sexual offender background check within the year preceding the Event. Until a successful background check is received, the employee or volunteer may not supervise or have substantial contact with minors.  Background checks may be conducted through the College’s Human Resources department at 580-387-7130.
  • A parent may not supervise minors other than his/her minor child unless he or she has complied with Section VI-Background Checks.
  • This requirement includes College students who supervise minors or who have substantial contact with minors during the Event.


  • Drop Off & Pick Up: Drop-off and pick-up schedules and locations should be supervised. Minors may not be released to anyone other than the person listed on the registration form even if he/she claims to be a relative.   Proper identification of approved persons must be provided to the Event staff.  Parents must give permission in writing for their minor to transport himself/herself or ride with another person to and from the Event.  If the minor is not picked up at the appropriate time, please contact MSCPD at 580-371-1140.
  • Transporting Minors: Only Event supervisors over the age of 21 who have completed a department of motor vehicles background check may transport minors. Motor vehicle background checks may be conducted through the Office of Business Affairs at 580-387-7120. Supervisors who transport minors should avoid any situation in which they would be alone in a vehicle with a minor. All Event supervisors must comply with applicable laws and College policies regarding transportation and motor vehicle use.

Security and Safety Measures:

  • Supervisors should ensure minors are identified as part of the group in a manner appropriate to the age of the participant and nature of the Event. (e.g. labels with Event name and contact information on their person).
  • Make sure all staff and Event supervisors have been briefed by the Head Supervisor regarding all security measures in place to protect minors including inclement weather procedures, fire and safety evacuation procedures. At the start of each Event, inform minors where to go or what to do if they need help.  For multi-day Events, information should be provided or available each day.
  • Injuries: Report all injuries, other than minor scrapes, bumps and bruises, to the Head Supervisor immediately when they occur and MSC procedures should be followed at all times.
  • Hazards: All areas within supervision should be inspected to ensure there are no hazards, e.g. open windows, doors propped open, broken glass, no candles or cooking in the rooms, no alcohol, drugs or tobacco etc.  Any hazards should be reported directly to the Head Supervisor or the Director of Campus Safety & Security.

Forms and Contact Information:

  • Each Head Supervisor must provide contact information for the Event and all executed forms, as provided below, to the Office of Student Affairs prior to the event. Submittal of forms electronically is the preferred methodology. All the event forms shall be submitted together under the event name. Last second submittals are acceptable; however, all efforts should be made to avoid this practice. Each Head Supervisor shall retain copies of submitted forms in their records for a period of five years.
  • The Head Supervisor should ensure the following forms have been completed and provide the executed forms to the Office of Student Affairs:
    • Ensure each Event supervisor executes the  Event Guidelines and Acknowledgment Form(s). Please note this may be modified to reflect the details of a particular Event.
    • The parents of the minor attending the Event execute a Minor Release Form. Please note this may be modified to reflect the details of a particular Event.
  • The Event Planning Checklist(s), is provided for your convenience to suggest additional items to consider and address; however, not all of the items may be applicable in any given situation. This form should not be returned to the Office of Student Affairs. Student Life Office #102, Tishomingo, OK 73460.
  • Group Tours/Field Trips. College employees at a given location which is facilitating a tour involving third party groups should obtain contact information for a person or persons in charge of supervision for that touring group.
  1. Events Sponsored by Third Parties Involving Minors

The College’s requirements for third parties (excluding Academic Meets) to hold an Event on campus  are found within the below referenced forms.

  • The Event Planning Checklist(s),  is provided for the third parties’ convenience to suggest additional items to consider and address; however, not all of the items may be applicable in any given situation. This form should not be returned to the Office of Student Affairs. Student Life Office #102, Tishomingo, OK 73460. Each third party sponsor must provide contact information for the Event and all executed forms, as provided below, to the Office of Student Affairs prior to the event. Submittal of forms electronically is the preferred methodology. All the event forms shall be submitted together under the event name. Last minute submittals are acceptable; however, all efforts should be made to avoid this practice. If the event involves athletics, the contact information and executed forms must be provided to the Athletic Director. These offices will maintain all executed forms. Each Head Supervisor shall retain copies of submitted forms in their records for a period of five (5) years.
  • Where minors are on campus due to Events, generally the Sponsor of the Event must execute an Event Acknowledgment form. Please note, these may need modification to fit the specific needs of the Event or may be inapplicable depending on the situation.
  • Ensure a parent of the minor attending the Event executes a minor’s release form . Again, this may need modification or may be inapplicable depending on the situation.
  • At the time of check-in for the Event, the Sponsor will be required to execute the Sponsor Certification Form.
  • Where the Event includes merely the use of College facilities, there may be a need to only have the forms executed on an annual basis and as part of a facilities use agreement (e.g. monthly SGA club meetings not sponsored by the College).
  1. Minors on Campus: K-12 Programs, Field Trips, or Similar Types of School/Extra-curricular Group Tours/Events Involving Minors (Academic meets are exempt)

Where minors are on campus due to a field trip sponsored by a K-12 school or similarly sponsored event (“Field Trip”), the College must ensure a contact person for the K-12 school is identified, must obtain basic information for the event, and must advise the Office of Student Affairs of all this information.

  • The Field Trip location should be inspected either by other appropriate College officials for safety purposes, e.g. facilities management or lab supervisor where students touring lab facility.
  • Employees in the area should be made aware of the minors’ presence in the area and advised to report any suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with Section I.
  • Any issues or suspicious activity not otherwise addressed in these guidelines should be reported to the Executive Director of Student Affairs, or MSCPD as appropriate.








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