
3 Legal Situs of the Board

Policy Statement (Board Approval Date:  03/22/11)

The Board desires to delineate clearly, in conformity with its statutory prerogatives, the legal situs of its official Office of Record, as cited below, for purposes of the service of process and other legal procedures.

  1. The legal situs for the official Office of Record (Office) for the Board is in Tishomingo, Johnston County, Oklahoma.
  2. The Office is the President’s Office, on the second floor, of the Administration Building in Room 203, on the campus of Murray State College, Tishomingo, Oklahoma.
  3. All of the following acts are accomplished in the aforesaid Office:
    1. All services of legal process are served in this Office.
    2. Service is on one of the following:
      1. The President
      2. The Board Chair
      3. The Board Secretary
    3. The official Board records of proceedings are maintained here.
    4. The Board’s official seal is located in this Office.
    5. All correspondence relating to official Board business and activities is addressed here
  4. All regular and special meetings of the Board are held in the Administration Building Boardroom, Room 303, and adjacent to the official Office of Record, unless otherwise prescribed at a different location for a specific meeting by the Board.


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