
85 Fire Safety Education

Policy Statement:

In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the Murray State College Police/Security Department will publish information concerning student housing fire safety systems, fire drills, fire safety policies and, education and training programs.

On-Campus Housing Fire Safety Equipment:  Murray State College residence halls have networked fire alarm systems and/or sprinkler systems as indicated below. When a networked fire alarm is activated, the alarm sounds on a panel at the Campus Security office, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. An officer responds to the building and determines the cause of the alarm. The fire department is automatically notified and responds to all fire alarms in residence halls.

Residence Hall System Description
MSC Aggie Suites Full sprinkler and networked alarm system.*
McKee Hall Networked alarm system. No sprinklers.*

* Fire extinguishers are located on every floor in each residence hall.

Supervised Fire Drills

Mandatory, supervised fire drills are conducted for each residence hall in the fall and spring semesters by officers from the Department of Campus Security. Additionally, each time new residents occupy a building during the summer for camp-related activities, a fire drill is conducted to ensure the temporary residents are familiar with evacuation routes and procedures. Every student must participate in these drills. Drills are conducted without notice. If a fire alarm sounds, everyone must exit. No one may re-enter the building until permission is given by a security officer or member of the residence life staff. Failure to evacuate a building during a fire alarm will result in judicial action.

Evacuation Procedures

In the event of fire or other evacuation emergency on campus, all persons in the affected premises must evacuate. You will be notified of a fire emergency by an audible alarm signal. Other emergency evacuation notifications may be issued by text alert, e-mail, and phone communications (voice mail) if appropriate. When evacuating during a fire alarm, do not use the elevators. If you are on the first floor, exit the building via the nearest door. If you are above the first floor, use the nearest staircase to exit the building. Use another staircase if your first choice is blocked. Do not open the door if it is hot to the touch. Look for another exit.

When notified to evacuate, leave the building and assemble in an area where you will not hinder the approaching emergency response personnel and apparatus. Depending on the nature of the emergency, you may be directed to proceed to a particular building or other area of safety.

Students and employees should attempt to account for individuals that are known to be in the building, including all visitors. Any missing individuals should be reported to the Office of Campus Security or emergency personnel. In addition, security personnel will conduct a sweep of all floors if sufficient personnel are available and if it is safe to do so.

Wait for campus security officers or emergency personnel to tell you when it is safe to return to the affected building. Even though the alarm may stop, the building may not be safe to re-enter.  Fire Safety Violations and Prohibitions (including rules on portable electrical appliances, smoking and open flames)

The residence life handbook contains a section addressing prohibited fire safety violations. The cooperation of everyone is needed in order to avoid fire hazards. Please follow these rules to prevent fire damage and bodily harm.


Prohibited items
The following items are prohibited in the residence halls, due to possible fire hazards:  hot plates, halogen lamps, electric blankets, space heaters, incense, firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, rice cookers, toaster ovens, microwaves, grills, candles.

Fire Safety Education and Training Programs

All members of the residence life staff receive fire safety training at the beginning of the academic year. All residence hall rooms are equipped with evacuation maps posted on or near the back of the door which indicate the safest and most direct exit routes from the room in the case of an emergency.


In addition to the information listed above, the Department of Campus Security will maintain a log and publish an annual fire safety report that contains: The number and cause of any fire occurring in a residence hall.

  • Number of injuries requiring medical care, Number of deaths, the value of property damaged.

If you have any questions about fire safety, please contact Murray State College at (580) 387-7311


Murray State College Institutional Policies and Procedures Copyright © by Murray State College. All Rights Reserved.