
66 Faculty Promotion in Rank and Tenure

Policy Statement (Approved by the MSC Board of Regents June 17, 2014)

Murray State College recognizes four classifications of academic rank: 1) instructor; 2) assistant professor and

tenure; 3) associate professor and tenure; and 4) professor and tenure.  Regular full-time permanent faculty are

ranked as an instructor upon employment in a full-time permanent faculty position.  Regular full-time permanent

faculty have the opportunity to apply for promotion in academic rank and tenure as outlined in the Faculty Promotion

in Rank and Tenure Procedure.  Monetary incentives for promotion in rank and tenure may be provided based upon the specified procedures and the availability of funds.



The criteria for the rankings, as well as procedures for advancement of rank, are included in the following procedure.

  1. Procedures for Recommendation for Promotion in Rank and Tenure:
    1. The faculty member submits a letter of intent to apply for advancement in rank to the division chair by December 1 if eligibility criteria are met.
    2. The division chair sends a recommendation for rank advancement to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), who then forwards it to the chair of the Academic Rank/Tenure Committee (AR/TC). The AR/TC then sends notification to the faculty member. The AR/TC is a standing committee composed of advanced rank/tenured faculty with three members elected by the Faculty Assembly and two members appointed by the VPAA.  In the event that there are more than eight applicants for advanced rank/tenure, a second committee will be formed in the same manner.
    3. The faculty member under consideration for promotion in rank must submit the following to the Office of Academic Affairs by January 25 of the application year:
      1. A written cover letter,
      2. A current vitae including listings of criteria to be considered for advancement,
      3. A reference letter from his/her division chair (or the VPAA when a division chair is applying for rank) and a fellow MSC faculty member,
      4. Documentation of the required minimum number of “Expected” (70%) or higher faculty evaluations,
      5. A written narrative explaining fulfillment of the criteria for rank advancement.
      6. Submit four narratives regarding professional development experiences for each year of service being considered in the advancement.
      7. Additional evidence supporting or proving advancement criteria may be requested by the AR/TC.
        1. The faculty AR/TC reviews the written narrative and supporting evidence and presents its recommendation to the VPAA by March 25. The AR/TC may recommend a rank lower than the one for which the faculty member is applying, but may not recommend removal of any rank that the faculty applicant has already earned; i.e., if an applicant applies for the rank of associate professor, but the AR/TC feels that the applicant does not meet the qualifications for associate professor, but does meet the qualifications for assistant professor, the AR/TC may recommend the rank of assistant professor.
        2. The VPAA forwards, with any additional comments and recommendations, the list of candidates to the President by April 15.
        3. The President makes all final decisions regarding promotion in rank.
        4. Tenure will be granted with the faculty member’s first successful advancement in rank. Tenure is defined as the status that may be granted to a faculty member to continue in a position in which he/she has been employed, based on availability of funds and job performance.
        5. Incoming Faculty: After one year of successful faculty performance, incoming faculty can apply for a specific rank commensurate with their past academic rank and/or experience.
        6. Existing Faculty: Existing tenured faculty can apply directly for any specific higher rank for which they meet both combined time and other requirements, even if they did not formally apply for those intervening ranks.
  2. Guidelines in Determining Qualifications for Promotion in Rank per Level. The following guidelines are presented for use in determining an individual’s qualifications for promotion in rank:
    1. Instructor: Faculty employed at the rank of instructor must present evidence of scholarship, teaching ability, and practical experience. The official academic transcript must include evidence of course concentration (i.e., major or equivalent) and/or technical specialty within the discipline in which that person is required to teach.
    2. Assistant Professor: The candidate eligible for rank of assistant professor must fulfill the following requirements:
      1. For faculty teaching within the Associate in Science/Arts (general education) programs: earned at least a master’s degree from an accredited university relevant to the coursework to be taught.  For faculty teaching within the Associate in Applied Science programs: earned at least a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university relevant to the coursework to be taught.
      2. Have completed at least four years full-time faculty employment in higher education, and/or career and technology education, at the end of the current academic year, with at least 2 years at MSC.
      3. Complete a minimum of four professional development experiences each year and provide a one-page narrative of its application to the instructional process for each experience; or, if the faculty member is engaged in completing graduate hours beyond the master’s degree, provide four one-page narratives regarding four specific applications learned in the graduate coursework.
      4. Make a significant contribution to institutional advancement through leadership.
      5. The following items must be submitted:
        1. A written cover letter,
        2. A current vitae including listings of criteria to be considered for advancement,
        3. A reference letter from his/her division chair (or the VPAA when a Dean is applying for rank) and a fellow MSC faculty member,
        4. Documentation of at least three “Expected” (70%) or higher faculty evaluations,
        5. A written narrative explaining fulfillment of the criteria for rank advancement.
        6. Submit four narratives regarding professional development experiences for each year of service being considered in the advancement.
        7. Additional evidence supporting or proving advancement criteria may be requested by the AR/TC.
    3. Associate Professor: The candidate eligible for rank of associate professor must fulfill the following requirements:
          1. Earned a master’s degree from an accredited university relevant to the coursework to be taught and eight years full-time faculty employment in higher education, and/or career and technology education, two of which at MSC; or earned a doctorate with four years of faculty employment in higher education, and/or career and technology education, two of which at MSC.
          2. Complete a minimum of four professional development experiences each year and provide a one-page narrative of its application to the instructional process for each experience; or, if the faculty member is engaged in completing graduate hours beyond the master’s degree, provide four one-page narratives regarding four specific applications learned in the graduate coursework.
          3. Make a significant contribution to institutional advancement through leadership.
          4. Active participation in a discipline-based state, regional or national organization; or make significant contribution to the academic discipline at a regional, state, or national level.
          5. The following items must be submitted:
            1. A written cover letter,
            2. A current vitae including listings of criteria to be considered for advancement,
            3. A reference letter from his/her division chair (or the VPAA when a Dean is applying for rank) and a fellow MSC faculty member,
            4. Documentation of at least three “High Performing” (80%) or higher faculty evaluations,
            5. A written narrative explaining fulfillment of the criteria for rank advancement.
            6. Submit four narratives regarding professional development experiences for each year of service being considered in the advancement.
            7. Additional evidence supporting or proving advancement criteria may be requested by the AR/TC.
    4. Professor: The candidate eligible for rank of professor must fulfill the following requirements:
              1. Earned a doctorate from an accredited university relevant to the coursework to be taught and eight years of faculty employment in higher education, and/or career and technology education, four of which at MSC; or earned a master’s degree from an accredited university relevant to the coursework to be taught and twelve years of full-time faculty employment in higher education, and/or career and technology education, four of which at MSC.
              2. Complete a minimum of four professional development experiences each year and provide a one-page narrative of its application to the instructional process for each experience; or, if the faculty member is engaged in completing graduate hours beyond the master’s degree, provide four one-page narratives regarding four specific applications learned in the graduate coursework.
              3. Active participation in a discipline-based state, regional or national organization; or make significant contribution to the academic discipline at a regional, state, or national level.
              4. Make a significant contribution to institutional advancement through leadership.
              5. The following items must be submitted:
                1. A written cover letter,
                2. A current vitae including listings of criteria to be considered for advancement,
                3. A reference letter from his/her Dean (or the VPAA when a division chair is applying for rank) and a fellow MSC faculty member,
                4. Documentation of at least three “High Performing” (80%) or higher faculty evaluations,
                5. A narrative supporting criteria being reviewed for advancement.
                6. Submit four narratives regarding professional development experiences for each year of service being considered in the advancement.
                7. Additional evidence supporting or proving advancement criteria may be requested by the AR/TC.
                8. Evaluations: If there are not a sufficient number of completed faculty evaluations on file, requirements for minimum number of evaluations may be reduced in lieu of a letter of verification by the division chair or a reference letter by the acting VPAA or two letters of recommendation by peer department members.  Any available completed faculty evaluations within the past four years should be produced for application.
                9. Professional development narratives: In the first year of implementation, applicants for advanced rank must submit from the previous year a minimum of four one-page narratives of professional development experiences.  For each succeeding year, applicant must add another year’s worth of experience narratives, up to the fourth year of implementation.
  3. Evidentiary Criteria for Promotion in Rank


The following are examples the candidate might use in documenting continuing performance in specific areas.  These are only examples, and the candidate is not confined to the use of only these examples.  The items used must be documented.


    1. Superior Teaching and Classroom-Related Duties:
      1. Positive peer and/or student evaluations.
      2. Improve or develop techniques in teaching and learning.
      3. Develop supplemental materials for instruction.
      4. Unsolicited letters from students or others.
      5. Student advisement/tutoring activities beyond the normal expectation.
    2. Professional Growth and Development:
      1. Complete annual faculty evaluation.
      2. Participate in seminars and workshops, including written narrative of application to the instructional process.
      3. Participate in the Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges (OACC) activities, etc.
      4. Participate in professional organizations within area of specialty.
      5. Present paper(s) to professional organizations.
    3. Scholarship:
      1. Formal educational pursuits that result in a quality transcript.
      2. Continuing education.
      3. Certification(s) in area(s) of specialization.
      4. Publish papers, articles, etc.
      5. Regional, state, or national recognition in field of specialization.
    4. Leadership through Institutional Service:
      1. Serve on standing and ad hoc committees.
      2. Participate in professional organizations.
      3. Appear on TV, radio, or other media.
      4. Provide graduation advisement.
      5. Participate in recruitment activities.
      6. Sponsor student organizations, judging teams, etc.
      7. Organize special days/activities, such as: Scholastic Contests, Business Day, Academic Bowl, Speech Contests, etc.
      8. Participate in campus activities.
    5. Leadership through Institutional Responsibilities:
      1. Serve as officer (chair, etc.) of institutional committee.
      2. Serve as chair of an academic department or program.
      3. Serve on institutional committee/council.
      4. Provide assistance in policy/procedure development.
      5. Promote and perpetuate a positive culture within the institution.
    6. Leadership through Community Service:
      1. Speak to community or professional groups.
      2. Participate in civic groups.
      3. Provide consultation within academic field to a community group.
      4. Participate in Chamber of Commerce, City Council, etc.
      5. Sponsor organization(s) such as 4-H, Boy Scouts, etc.
    7. Compensation for Promotion in Rank
      1. After final approval by the President, the faculty member will receive the following amounts added to annual salary, beginning at the start of the next academic year:
        1. Assistant Professor: $1000
        2. Associate Professor: $2000
        3. Professor:                 $3000
      2. These amounts added to the annual salary are cumulative. If a faculty member advances directly to a rank more than one level above the current rank (e.g., from Assistant Professor to Professor), the faculty member does receive the added amounts attributable to the intervening rank(s). Compensation for Promotion in Rank is considered a stipend for payroll purposes, not an increase to the base salary; and, it is based upon the availability of funds.

Procedures for Renewal of Advanced Rank Faculty Pay


  1. At the end of five years subsequent to being granted advancement in rank, the faculty member is formally reviewed by the AR/TC. Faculty members who have achieved annual evaluation performance points equal to or above an expected (70%) rating and who have received no annual rating below expected (70%) during the five-year period will automatically be renewed for an additional five years without further review. Should the faculty member have annual evaluation(s) that fall below expected (70%), the faculty member being reviewed has the opportunity to provide a written narrative providing justification and documentation for any faculty evaluation that falls below the expected (70%) rating.
    1. The Rank Advancement Committee will obtain a list of eligible candidates from the MSC Human Resources Department by January 25 during the fifth year of rank advancement.
    2. The Committee will notify eligible candidates by February 15 of review requirements.
    3. The candidate will submit any requested information or documentation by the first Monday after the scheduled Spring Break.
      1. During the division chair’s annual performance review of the faculty member, the division chair determines if he/she supports continuation of advanced rank faculty pay. The division chair may send a request to the AR/TC to review the renewal of advanced rank faculty pay for a faculty member, if deemed necessary, before the end of five years at a given rank.
      2. After reviewing the documentation, the AR/TC makes recommendations to the VPAA, who then forwards recommendations, with any comments, to the President. The recommendation includes one, or more, of the following:
        1. Continued advanced rank pay.
        2. Continued advanced rank pay with stipulations pertaining to professional improvement to be attained by a definite period.
        3. Probation for a definite period of time to make appropriate professional and/or personal adjustments.
        4. Discontinuance of advanced rank pay.


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