
26 Emeritus Designation

Policy Statement (Board Approval Date:  03/22/11)

MSC may confer, at its discretion, the title of “Emeritus” on any retired administrator, professional staff member, or faculty member who, at the time of retirement, has ten years or more of honorable and distinguished service in higher education.

Emeritus status is an honor that includes the following privileges:

  1. Name is included in the Emeritus listing in the College catalog and other appropriate directories.
  2. Certificate with name and Emeritus status.
  3. Library privileges.
  4. Invitation to participate in College activities and functions.
  5. Possession of a College ID card.
  6. Inclusion at select ceremonies and events.

Procedure (Updated:  June 13, 2011):

The following procedure will be used to recommend eligible Emeritus status:

  1. Any retired administrator, professional staff member, or faculty member who, at the time of retirement, has ten years or more of honorable and distinguished service in higher education is eligible for Emeritus status.
  2. The president will be responsible for implementation of this policy and its procedure and will maintain a full list of all Emeritus employees.
  3. Nominations for Emeritus status are initiated by a member, or members, of the nominee’s respective department or supervisor.
  4. The nominating member(s) will forward a one-page summary of significant accomplishments made by the nominee to the area administrator.
  5. Upon receipt of the nomination the administrator will send a written recommendation to the president.
  6. The President will compose a letter to the nominee making them aware of the nomination and a timeframe for board action.
  7. The President will forward the nomination(s) with recommendations to the Board for approval.
  8. The President will compose a follow-up letter to the nominee to inform them of Board action accompanied by an emeritus certificate.

This title may also be conferred upon recommendation of the President to the Board on an exceptional basis.


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