
81 Drug-Free Campus

Policy Statement:

All Students and Employees Regarding the Drug-Free School and Communities Act:  The Board, recognizing that the illegal possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students or employees is not only harmful to one’s health, but also subjects the individual to civil and criminal litigation, accepts and supports the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).

Murray State College is committed to providing an alcohol- and drug-free environment in which to learn and work.  Therefore, employees and students of MSC are expected to abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws prohibiting use of alcohol and illegal drugs.

In June 2018, State Question 788 became law in Oklahoma. This state question was an initiative to legalize medical marijuana. Despite passage of State Question 788, the use, possession, sale, or distribution of marijuana (including medical marijuana, edibles, and products containing marijuana) on any college-owned or controlled property or at any college event remains illegal pursuant to the Controlled Substances Act, the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, and the Drug Free Workplace Act, and against Murray State College policy.  You may not bring marijuana on any college property or to any college event, or smoke or consume marijuana or any product containing marijuana on any college property or at any college event, and you may not come to class or work under the influence of any illegal substance, including marijuana.  Even though medical marijuana is now legal under Oklahoma law, it remains illegal under federal law. As a recipient of federal funding, Murray State College must abide by federal law, which prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, and use of illegal drugs, including medical marijuana.  Regardless of having a license for medical marijuana, its use on campus or at college events is strictly prohibited and violation of Murray State College policy regarding controlled substances such as marijuana may result in disciplinary action.


1.     Standards of Conduct:  The illegal possession and/or illegal use of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs on College property, in College housing, or at any College-sponsored activity by students and/or employees of the College are forbidden.

2.    Sanctions:

  1. College Sanctions for Students: The following sanctions may be imposed by any of the following: Director of Resident Life, chief student affairs officer, the Student Conduct/Appeals Committee, or by the President. The severity of the imposed sanctions will be appropriate to the violation; possible sanctions include probation, suspension, expulsion, loss of institutional aid, and/or restriction of student’s activities or privileges.  Students will be charged for all damages or misappropriation of property, which occurs in the violation of a rule or regulation.  Restitution may be monetary compensation, replacement, or repair.  Community service hours will be performed in an area of the College or a community agency for a specified number of hours. Professional counseling, referral to a rehabilitation program, and/or specific restrictions may be used in conjunction with various sanctions.
  2. College Sanctions for Employees: The Board has adopted a Drug-Free Workplace Policy that the MSC workplace is to be free from illegal manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any controlled substance. Such actions are grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of employment. A workplace is defined as any place an employee functions within the scope of his/her job responsibilities.  Employees convicted of any workplace-related drug offense, which does not result in discharge or forfeiture of position, may be required to successfully complete a recognized drug treatment or rehabilitation program.  A video is available for checkout in the MSC Library/Learning Resource Center.  All employees must notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring while performing within the role and scope of their respective responsibilities. Any employee or student found to be in violation of the federal and/or state laws pertaining to the use or abuse of alcohol and/or illicit drugs may be referred to the legal system for prosecution.
  3. Legal Sanctions – Drugs:  Federal and state laws impose grave penalties on those who illegally possess, use, or distribute drugs or alcohol. According to the Oklahoma Criminal Laws, a person found in possession of a controlled, dangerous substance within this state, such as marijuana, cannabis, or methamphetamine, and/or drug paraphernalia (pipes, roach clips, cocaine spoons, etc.) will be placed under arrest. All vehicles or any other means of transportation used to transport a controlled, dangerous substance and money, weapons, or devices therein, are subject to forfeiture.


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