
80 Copyright Compliance

Policy Statement:

The Board policy is to adhere to the provisions of the current copyright laws and congressional guidelines.


  1. The College recognizes that unlawful copying and use of copyrighted materials contributes to higher costs for materials, lessens the incentives for development of quality educational materials, and fosters an attitude of disrespect for law, which is in conflict with the educational goals of MSC.
  2. MSC employees should adhere to all provisions of Title 17 of the United States Code entitled, “Copyrights,” and other relative federal legislation and guidelines related to the duplication, retention, and use of copyrighted materials. Therefore:
    1. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials may not be produced on College-owned equipment.
    2. Unlawful copies of copyrighted material may not be used with College-owned equipment, within College-owned facilities, or at College-sponsored functions.
    3. No legal or insurance protection of the College will be extended to employees who knowingly copy and use copyrighted materials.
  3. Employees who make and/or use copies of copyrighted materials in their jobs are expected to be familiar with published provisions regarding fair use and public display, and are further expected to provide to their respective supervisors, upon request, the justification under Sections 107 or 110 of USC 17 for copies that have been made or used.
  4. Employees who use copyrighted materials that do not fall within fair use or public display guidelines are to substantiate that the materials meet one of the following tests:
    1. The materials have been purchased from an authorized vendor by the individual employee of the College, and a record of the purchase exists.
    2. The materials are copies covered by a licensing agreement between the copyright owner and the College or the individual employee.
    3. The materials are being reviewed or demonstrated by the user to reach a decision about possible future purchase or licensing, and a valid agreement exists which allows for such use.



Murray State College Institutional Policies and Procedures Copyright © by Murray State College. All Rights Reserved.