
78 Campus Signage


  1. Signage:
    1. Purpose: To provide a campus that is safe, understandable, and welcoming for students, employees, and visitors.
    2. Applicability: This procedure applies to all interior and exterior campus signage.
    3. Background: Interior and exterior signage for the MSC campus has evolved over time without guidance or controls, often resulting in visual clutter such as poorly located signs and mismatched letter sizes, colors, shapes, and mounting techniques. Therefore, a comprehensive signage procedure has been developed to provide an important community service and help make a favorable public impression.
    4. Interior Building Signage: A modular, flexible, recyclable system of standardized signs will be used in all new buildings. This system will be implemented gradually in existing buildings as funds become available or as replacement is required. The system consists of a series of directories, directional signs, and destination signs that use proven way-finding techniques to guide first-time campus visitors to building destinations.
      1. New Buildings: For new construction, the cost of signs, including ADA-compliant signs, is a capital expense funded by the project budget.
      2. Existing Buildings: After installation, the user groups will be responsible for funding any component or name changes.
    5. Exterior Campus Signage: A modular, flexible, recyclable system of standardized signs will be used throughout the campus as funds become available. The system will consist of a series of directories, directional signs, building identification signs, and state- and federally mandated signs.
  2. Bulletin Boards:
    1. Purpose: To ensure appropriate display of materials within public areas and corridors of College buildings.
    2. Applicability: All departments or individuals desiring to post materials in/on campus facilities for the display.
    3. Background: Haphazard and uncontrolled posting of bulletins, notices, posters, schedules, temporary signs, etc. in campus buildings creates a number of problems and hazards including:
      1. Undue clutter,
      2. Confusion resulting from the proliferation of printed information,
      3. Unfavorable aesthetics,
      4. Fire hazards, and
      5. Damage to building finishes.
    4. Interior/Exterior Building Postings:
      1. All displayed materials must relate to College-approved organizations, activities, and programs (see additional information in the solicitation procedure in this manual).
      2. Printed materials must be appropriately displayed on a bulletin board or inside a display case and not on doors or walls.
      3. The use and control of bulletin boards within each building will be the responsibility of facilities management or the department(s) to which specific bulletin boards are assigned. Specifically assigned departmental bulletin boards will be marked with a name tag on the upper right hand corner designating the department responsible for the bulletin board.
      4. Printed materials will be permitted for posting in buildings only upon the specific approval and stamp of facilities management or the department(s) responsible for the particular departmental specific bulletin board.
      5. Materials posted in any area other than approved bulletin boards or display cases and/or those that do not have the proper approval stamp will be removed and disposed of. This may also result in the individual(s) responsible for the posting the materials being charged a fee for the removal of the item(s) posted.
      6. Individuals posting items in any area are also responsible for the removal of the posted items in a timely manner. Failure to remove posted items in a timely manner may result in the individual(s) being charged a fee for the removal of the items they posted.
  3.  Banners:
    1. Purpose: To define the guidelines governing the display of banners and the protection of campus facilities.
    2. Applicability: All departments or individuals desiring to use banners in/on campus facilities for the display of signage, art, logos, etc.
    3. Campus Banners: Banners are displayed on campus to convey festive decoration and informational messages in support of the College’s cultural, arts, social, and educational programs.  Banners are permitted on campus subject to the following restrictions:
      1. Location and installation must be aesthetically pleasing in its context.
      2. Attachment to exterior/interior of buildings may be made only at previously approved locations.
      3. Installation must be made in a previously approved fashion to prevent damage to the building or building components.
      4. Attachment must not compromise building safety and/or security requirements.
      5. Attachment must not be made to light posts, sign posts, trees, other plant materials, or to structures or art pieces not associated with buildings.
      6. Banners with a commercial message are prohibited.
      7. Banners must not contain language, symbols, or graphics that are obscene or discriminatory in nature.
      8. Quality and design of the banner must be first-rate and must present an image consistent with the college’s prominence in the community.
      9. Size of banner must be appropriate for the intended location.
      10. Time of display must not exceed 30 days in any calendar year without additional review and approval.
      11. Any repair of damage to the building or building components must be paid by the banner sponsor.
    4. Campus Museum/Exhibition Facilities: Museum/exhibition facilities on campus are defined as those units that routinely present professional visual arts and science exhibitions that remain on view for ten days or more. These include the MSC Art Gallery, Axolotl Museum, Campus Center Commons Displays, and may include other areas that present exhibitions in a similar manner.  In the spirit of informing the college community about exhibitions and bridging the college and the community, these museum/exhibition facilities may display permanent or temporary banners on the exteriors of the buildings in which exhibitions are presented.
      1. Permanent banners identify the building as a site for exhibitions rather than those related to a specific exhibition. If these banners are to remain in place for more than six months, they must be reviewed by the Campus Beautification Committee and the President’s Administrative Team.
      2. Temporary banners identifying a specific exhibition may remain in place for the duration of the exhibition, with a two-week maximum lead-time preceding the opening of the exhibition. These banners need not be reviewed by the Campus Beautification Committee, assuming that these exhibitors are in the business of presenting exhibitions in a professional way and are therefore knowledgeable about appropriate graphic design for such use.
      3. Temporary banners do not need to include the college logo in the design, because having found the museum/facility one is already on campus and does not need to be provided this information through the presentation of the logo. Permanent banners will include the logo in the design.
    5. Reviews and Approvals: All banner locations, designs, methods of building attachment, and graphics must first be reviewed and approved by the vice president with oversight of the banner sponsor.  Approved banner design, size, and graphics along with proposed location and method of attachment must be submitted to the chief facilities officer for review and approval at least one week before display. Additional information may be requested to ensure that the banner meets college policy, guidelines, and requirements.  If the banner is intended for long-term use (longer than 30 days in any calendar year) and is deemed to be in a visually significant location, requests must be additionally reviewed by the President’s Administrative Team. The President’s Administrative Team may suggest additional requirements for long-term banners. In these cases, final permission is granted by the President.
    6. Specifications: Banner specifications are as follows:
      1. Material: Material must have sufficient density to allow for printing as intended. Wind cuts are required to reduce wind resistance and the tendency of the banner to billow or sail. Material must be colorfast and not run or rub off on adjacent surfaces.
      2. Paint or Ink: Paint or ink must be permanent and must not run or rub off on adjacent surfaces.
      3. Lettering and Graphics: Lettering and graphics must clearly reflect the intended message or purpose and must be of sufficient size to be readable by the intended audience.
  4. Roof Painting/Displays: A roof is designed to protect a building from the elements. Roofing systems are intended to provide a watertight covering to contain and protect from rainwater and moisture the building’s roof insulation, the structural roof deck, and building contents. Roofing coverings are somewhat fragile and may be damaged from improper use and/or excessive foot traffic. The responsibility for maintenance of all academic and support building roofs has been given to Facilities Management. Since roofs may be easily damaged, it is inappropriate that they be used as billboards or art surfaces for the painting or displaying of signs, logos, pictures, or murals. The deterioration of roofing membrane is greatly accelerated by the application of certain types of paint and dark colors that absorb heat from the sun. Consequently, the use of campus roofs for signage, logos, or art is prohibited.
  5. Campus Buildings: Requests for naming college facilities and significant land features, including building and or components of buildings (classrooms, laboratories, auditoria, conference and seminar rooms; etc.).  will be submitted to the college president.  The college president will submit proposals in favor of naming through the college’s governance process to make a recommendation on the request.  The college president will them forward a recommendation to the Board of Regents for approval for final approval.


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