
2 Board Operational Philosophy

Policy Statement Policy Statement (Board Approval Date:  03/22/11)


MSC Mission Statement

Murray State College Provides Opportunities for Student Learning, Personal Growth, Professional Success, and Community Enhancement


The Board is committed to providing access to educational and employment opportunities and services to a diverse clientele in a changing society.  The Board recognizes that the demographics of the students and employees of the College should mirror the ethnic and cultural diversity of the area it serves and encourages the aggressive pursuit of this goal.

Murray State College has the following functions delegated by the OSRHE:

  1. To provide a comprehensive two-year, post-secondary educational program to serve the needs of residents of the south-central Oklahoma counties of Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, Murray, and Pontotoc;
  2. To provide educational programs which give predominant emphasis to technical and occupational education;
  3. To provide a program of general education, which enables students to develop attitudes, knowledge, qualities, and skills necessary for them to be effective as a person, a family member, and a citizen;
  4. To provide educational programs of two years or less for students who plan to transfer into baccalaureate and professional programs at four-year institutions;
  5. To provide a program of education for youth and adults whose previous educational experiences have not prepared them for achievement at the collegiate level;
  6. To provide opportunity for academic guidance and counseling services for all students;
  7. To provide community services to improve the cultural, economic, and social environment of the area served by the College;
  8. To provide leadership and assistance in economic development activities to enhance the quality of life in the service area; and
  9. To provide the opportunity for learning environments that utilizes the appropriate technology to enhance instructional delivery and student learning.

In fulfilling its role regarding the mission and functions of the institution, the Board recognizes the following:

  1. Higher education is a function of the state, and the Board, the governing body of the College under its control, acts as an agency of the state within jurisdiction provided by law and according to law;
  2. The College, under the control of this Board, is an integral part of the unified system which is known as the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education as provided under Article XIII-A of the Oklahoma Constitution;
  3. The Board is a policy-determining body and delegates responsibility for operational matters to the President;
  4. Board authority resides only in the Board as a whole and not in its individual members; and
  5. Regents have authority in matters dealing with the College when acting as a Board legally in session. A decision, once made by the Board, is supported by all members of the Board.  Regents who question the legality of proposed Board action must ask the Board Chair to request from the Board’s attorney the clarification or legal opinion on such action.  Any action to the contrary by any Regent may subject the offending Regent to counseling by the Board Chair or censure by a unanimous vote of the remaining Board. Censure is a formal resolution that serves as an official reprimand to address serious offenses that may undermine the Board’s reputation, the effectiveness of the Board, and potentially expose the Board to liability or legal penalties.
    1. The process to censure a board member is as follows:
      1. Report suspected violation to the Board Chair or, Vice Chair, if the Board Chair is the subject of the allegations.
      2. The Board Chair shall appoint a Review Panel of three regents to determine if a formal investigation is warranted.
      3. If a formal investigation is warranted, an internal auditor will conduct an investigation.
      4. The internal auditor will present his or her findings to the Review Panel.
      5. If the internal auditor determines there is a high probability the allegations are true the review panel will forward the report to each Board of Regent.
      6. The Board shall have the opportunity to discuss the alleged violation and report at the next regularly scheduled board meeting or special meeting.  The Board shall vote to adopt or not the report and conclusions, if adopting, the Board shall determine an appropriate sanction.
      7. Any vote and subsequent action taken should become a permanent board record and should be kept in the meeting minutes.



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