
General Campus Policies and Procedures

51 Student Use of Computers and Computer Peripherals

Acceptable Uses

Computers and peripherals located in MSC’s computer laboratories and library are primarily, though not exclusively, intended for classroom-related use by MSC students who have been assigned an account. Acceptable uses include the following:

  • Uses directly related to course assignments (both computer courses and other courses);
  • Uses directly related to official MSC functions, official MSC business such as performance of work-study responsibilities, and other official MSC activities such as Student Government and other MSC club work;
  • Personal uses such as preparing or conducting classroom assignments and activities; and
  • Personal uses that are consistent with the General Rule section of this document.


Limits on Use of Material Resources 

For any uses where material resources are expended, printing should be limited to a reasonable number of personal hard copies. Printing may be monitored and logged. Printing quotas may also be enforced. Special exceptions may be granted by supervising personnel, if warranted.


Game Play and Internet Chat

Any secondary use such as game playing and Internet chat that interferes with primary uses will be cause to terminate a student session if other students or other users are waiting for access to the computer being used. Any secondary use that consumes significant resources or interferes with normal operation of the MSC system is strictly prohibited.


Application of General Rule

Students are expected to follow all provisions of the General Rule section of this document. Programs or utilities that interfere with other computer users or that infiltrate or modify the MSC system or an account, are strictly prohibited. This includes anything that could affect network links or damage software or hardware components of the system.


Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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