Student Affairs and Student Services

11 Student Success Center

Student Success Center

Hours of Operation & Contact for Spring and Fall Semesters

The Student Success Center’s computer lab and study rooms are available to students at the following times:

Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Friday: 7:30 p.m. to 4:00 pm.

Sunday: 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Hours of Operation & Contact for Summer Semester

Monday – Friday: 7:30 p.m. to 4:00 pm.

Library Sciences Building

Welcome to the Student Success Center where our mission is to enhance the academic and personal development of students through proactive and innovative programs.

Located in the Library Science building on the Tishomingo campus, the Student Success Center offers a number of services designed to ensure the success of Murray State students. While our facility is primarily used to house professional and Student Support Services tutors, and peer tutors, we also offer services such as academic coaching, study skills and strategies, career development resources, and content-specific workshops. We also have four conference rooms designed for group study sessions or meetings.


The Student Success Center provides academic support to students at no cost. While our primary focus is support in writing, math, and science, we can tailor our services to meet other course-specific needs.

Career Services

Have you ever wanted to take a career interest assessment? Do you need help deciding on a major or career field? Would you like to see what jobs are available in our area? Click on the career services link to learn more.

Academic Coaching

Would you like to work with one of our academic coaches on time management, note-taking, or test-taking strategies?  Do you need help with budgeting or figuring out how much college really costs? Check out our academic coaching and financial literacy links, or email us at

Native American Language Preservation

At the SSC, one of our goals is to help foster a love of language preservation and Native American heritage. Please visit the following links to explore the amazing world of the Chickasaw language!

Chickasaw Dictionary– This online dictionary database, provided by the Chickasaw Nation, contains phonetic spelling and pronunciation for words in the Chickasaw language. Simply click on a word’s play button to hear it’s pronunciation.

Chickasaw Heritage and Language Preservation– Follow this link to see how the Chickasaw Nation is preserving their native language and heritage. This site provides amazing insight about ongoing language projects, including their recent partnership with Rosetta Stone to expand the Chickasaw language to current and future generations.

Reserve a Room

The Student Success Center houses four group study/conference rooms. We have two smaller rooms perfect for a group study session of 3-5 people. Are you looking for a larger space? We have two larger conference rooms ideal for 8-10 participants. Reserve your study or meeting space today.

Online Writing Lab

Our partnership with the Southern Oklahoma Library System offers online writing assistance via Brainfuse. Follow the link below to sign up (make an account). This will give you access to their tutoring resources and the Online Writing Lab. Essays will be returned within 24 hours. To see the reviewed essay once it is tutored, students must log back into Brainfuse and visit their message board. Please submit your essay at least 48 hours before its due date to ensure that you have time to make corrections. Click here to access Brainfuse.

Contact Us

Questions? Want to schedule a tutoring appointment? Feel free to contact us at


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