
Code of Conduct

26 Prohibited Behavior

Student’s Obligation to Policies and Regulations: 

Each student assumes an obligation to obey all rules and regulations made by the properly constituted authority, to preserve faithfully all property provided by the State for his or her use, and to discharge all duties as a student with diligence, fidelity, and honor. Failure to observe the following regulations will subject the student to disciplinary action.

Academic Misconduct:

Disrupting or obstructing College-sponsored or hosted instruction, services, and activities, including, but not limited to studying, teaching, research, College administration, or fire, police, or emergency services on College premises, online, or at College-sponsored activities off-campus; blocking the entrance or exit of any College building, corridor, or room therein; blocking or impeding pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or adjacent to College property


Anyone who willfully and knowingly causes a fire or performs other acts of arson in or on College-owned or College-controlled property, facilities, and equipment is committing a major crime. Any student, student organization, or group of students in violation of the above will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee with a recommendation for separation from the College and subject themselves to criminal charges being filed against them in District Court.


Harrasment is any expression that is unwelcome, so severe, pervasive and subjectively and objectively offensive that a student is effectively denied equal access to educational opportunities or benefits provided by the public institution of higher education .

College Policies, Rules, and Regulations

Failure to comply with MSC policies, rules, and regulations published in the Student Handbook, Catalog, or other college publications and agreements. For example, informational technology acceptable user agreement or safety directions, such as wearing required personal protective equipment while in labs, clinical sites, etc.

Disruption or Obstruction

Disrupting or obstructing College-sponsored or hosted instruction, services, and activities, including, but not limited to, studying, teaching, research, College administration, or fire, police, or emergency services on College premises, online, or at College-sponsored activities off-campus; blocking the entrance or exit of any College building, corridor, or room therein; blocking or impeding pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or adjacent to College property. This includes disrupting or obstructing other individuals’ right to non-commercial expressive activity in an unrestricted green space.

Disturbing the Peace or Destruction of Property: 

Whenever any student, group of students, or student organization disturbs the peace, destroys, molests, defaces or removes state or College property (theft, introduction of a computer virus, vandalism), or does intentional personal injury (including hazing), the students and the officers of the organization shall be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

Failure to Comply

Failing to comply with the lawful directions of any College employee acting within the scope of their official duties or failing to identify oneself with proper identification to such a person when requested to do so.

Falsification of Records, Forgery, and False Representation:

 Any student who knowingly falsifies or is a party to the falsification of any College record in any form, written or verbal, including forging staff signatures to any document, shall be subject to disciplinary action. Submission of false information or withholding information at the time of admission or readmission may make an individual ineligible for admission to, or continuation at, Murray State College.

Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows, Firecrackers, Fireworks, or Explosives: 

Loaded firearms are against Oklahoma State Law and are prohibited on the MSC Campus. Regardless of your academic program, the possession of firearms, ammunition, bows and arrows, firecrackers, or explosives is prohibited on campus and in any college-owned residence. All toy guns, pellet guns, airsoft guns, paint guns, and/or BB guns are prohibited on campus. Unauthorized possession of and/or exploding of fireworks and other explosives and unauthorized possession and/or discharging of shotguns, rifles, pistols, and other lethal weapons on campus by students will subject them to any or all of the following penalties:

  1. Disciplinary probation.
  2. Arrest and fine.
  3. Immediate suspension from the College.

Any such items found on campus will be confiscated.

Gunsmithing students are expected to follow all rules and regulations related to firearms/ammunition as outlined in that program.


Gambling of any kind is prohibited in resident housing and on campus.

Illegal Parking:

Murray State College has designated specially marked handicapped parking areas. Parking permits for these special areas can be obtained in the Campus Police Office for non-ambulatory, semi-ambulatory, or uncoordinated students due to brain, spinal, or peripheral nerve injury, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, etc. Requests for handicap permits must be accompanied by documentation of disability from a licensed physician. Vehicles without Handicapped decals will be towed at the owner’s expense.


Oklahoma Statute, Section 1190, Title 21: No student organization or any person associated with any organization sanctioned or authorized by the governing board of any public or private school or institution of higher education in this state shall engage or participate in hazing. Any organization sanctioned or authorized by the governing board of a public or private school or of an institution of higher education in this state which violates Subsection A of this section, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punishable by a fine of not more than One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) and the forfeit for a period of not less than one (1) year all of the rights and privileges of being an organization organized or operating at the public or private school or at the institution of higher education. Any organization violating this directive shall cease to operate and forfeit all organizational rights and privileges. A copy of Section 1190 is on file in the Registrar’s Office.

Motor Vehicle Regulations: 

  1. Failure to register a motor vehicle will result in a fine. Vehicles acquired after the start of a semester should be registered immediately, or the user will be subject to a fine.
  2. Student use of automobiles on campus can be restricted at the discretion of Campus Police and/or the Director of Resident Life.
  3. Junking or abandoning automobiles or other vehicles on campus or repairing parts of vehicles in student rooms is prohibited. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  4. Violation of motor vehicle regulations shall render the violator subject to sanctions. The event of repeated or serious violations shall render the violator subject to disciplinary action.

Physical Harm or Direct Threats of Harm

Engaging in physical violence of any nature against any person, on or off-campus. This includes fighting, assaulting, battering; using a knife, gun, or another weapon; physically abusing, restraining or transporting someone against their will; or acting in a manner that threatens or endangers the physical health or safety of any person or causes reasonable apprehension of such harm.


Murray State College does not condone cheating or plagiarism. The penalties imposed by an individual instructor or the college may range from an unsatisfactory grade on a particular assignment or examination to expulsion from the college.

Sexual Harassment: 


Policy Statement: (Updated 10-04-11; 08-01-14)

Murray State College prohibits sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual acts, and sexual offenses considered to be sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct often overlaps with crimes of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. All members of the College community have an obligation to promote an environment that is free of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, interpersonal relationship violence, sex/gender-based stalking, and sexual harassment. MSC, in compliance with Title IX, publishes a notice of nondiscrimination, designated a Title IX Coordinator, and adopted and published grievance procedures as preventative measures against harassment.

Tobacco-See Chapter on Tobacco Policy


Engaging in theft, attempted theft, or unauthorized possession of property belonging to the college or other individuals or recognized groups on college property or facilities on or near the campuses.

False Reporting:

Knowingly making a false report of a bomb, fire, or another emergency.

Fire Safety:

Engaging in, tampering with, or any other misuse or unauthorized use of firefighting equipment, fire sprinkling systems, and other safety equipment or warning devices, and failure to evacuate when a fire alarm is activated.

Property Damage:

Intentional, reckless, and/or unauthorized damage to or destruction of College property or facilities affiliated with the College or the personal property of another.

Unauthorized Entry:

Misuse of access privileges to College premises or unauthorized entry to or use of buildings, including trespassing, propping, or unauthorized use of alarmed or secured doors for entry into or exit from a College building.

Campus Disruption:

Participating in any disturbance that presents a clear and present danger to self or others, causes physical harm to others, or damage and/or destruction of property.

Misuse of Alcohol:

Illegally manufacturing, consuming, possessing, distributing, selling, or serving alcoholic beverages on College premises or at College-sponsored activities regardless of age, except as expressly permitted by College policy.

Violation of No Contact Order:

When an individual violates the terms of an active No Contact Order.

Violation of Law

Behavior that would constitute a violation of any federal, state, and/or local law; city or county ordinance; or when in another state or country, the laws of that state or country.  Students may be subject to civil and criminal penalties in addition to campus sanctions. Campus resolution may proceed before, during, or after civil or criminal actions are concluded and is not subject to challenge based on the action or inaction of civil authorities.


Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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