
Student Activities

21 Student Government By-Laws

Murray State College

Student Government Association Preamble

The Murray State College Student Government Association is established with the express purposes of advising the President of the College, Deans, and Directors, encouraging student groups, creating new groups as the need arises, channeling requests for the information and/or action to the appropriate authority, and assessing the administration of the college community’s needs and interests and to aid in planning activities.


The name of this organization shall be the Murray State College Student Government Association, hereinafter referred to as SGA.


Section 1. The Student Government shall be composed of any student enrolled at MSC no matter the number of credit hours.

Section 2. The Student Government shall be represented by voluntary applicants and Registered Student Organization representatives who will be known as Representatives.

Section 3. SGA members shall maintain a 2.5 grade average.

Section 4. SGA members must attend 80% of the meetings in order to earn tuition waiver per semester, and must be in good standing with the Executive Board and Advisor.

Section 5. The SGA will be led by an Executive Board which consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/ Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, A quorum of 4 Executive Board members must be present to conduct business at the bi-monthly meeting.

Section 6. The remaining members of the Student Senate will be composed of a member from each officially recognized campus club and organization and a representative nominated from each academic school. The representing Senate member will be elected or nominated by the club or organization advisor. The representing members must attend one meeting per month.

Section 7. The Student Senate can vote to propose amendments to the Executive Board meetings.

Section 8. The default “Term of office” is defined as August 1st to May 21st of the academic year; however, exiting officers may choose to inaugurate their replacements before the close of the previous year.


Section 1. The officers of Student Government Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Media Relations, Ardmore Representative, and Online Representative.

Section 2. The procedure of the elections shall be as follows:

MSC will hold campus-wide elections for Nominees for all the positions. They must have background checks through the MSC Human Resource Office to run for office.

Applications to run for office are due to the Student Government Advisor’s office by no later than two weeks prior to the General Election held before the previous semester of service.

Nomination requirements:

1.     Must have maintained a 2.5 GPA during the previous semester of service.

2.     Must be currently enrolled at MSC.

3.     Must submit the signature, printed names and last 3 digits of the student ID of 10 current MSC students/employees supporting your nomination.

Regulations of campaigning:

1.     Each nominee will be allowed to post the following (with the approval by the Executive Director of Student Affairs, SGA Advisor, or Vice President’s designee):

–        2, 6’x3’ posters

–        4, 3’x2’ posters

–     100, 8.5”x11” flyers

2.     Shirts, stickers, and buttons are admitted but must be pre-approved by the Executive Director of Student Affairs, SGA Advisor, or Vice President’s designee

3.     All expenses are the responsibility of the nominee.

4.     Campaigning will begin 1 week after nominations are announced and last until Election Day. If approved, a debate may be held at a time designated by the SGA Advisor.

Voting Regulations:

1.     Voting will be conducted on the 3rd Tuesday of April or as determined by the SGA Advisor and Executive Director of Student Affairs.

2.     Voting will be available thru a Google link sent out via email or other means designated by the SGA Advisor and Executive Director of Student Affairs.

3.     Studentswishingtovotemustbe currently enrolled.

4.     Voting will be conducted/verified by at least 2 MSC employees.

5.     Winner will be determined by the majority vote. If no candidate receives a majority vote, a run-off election comprised of the top two candidates will be held at a date and time as designated by the SGA Advisor.

Section 3. If a vacancy occurs in any office (except for President), a special election may be held to fill the vacancy. If a vacancy in the office of President occurs, the office is to be filled by the Vice President. If this occurs, a Member or other Officer may be elected by simple majority vote of the Executive Board to fill the role of Vice President for the remainder of term.

Section 4. Impeachment proceedings may be instituted by written request of five or more members. The Executive Director or Student Affairs or Vice President’s designee shall be the presiding officer at impeachment proceedings.


Section 1. The President or his/her appointed substitute is to officially represent the student body at all functions where a student body representative of the school should be in attendance.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the SGA.

Section 3. The President shall have the power to call special sessions of the SGA or sub committees for meeting requirements and the needs of the student body. A majority of the SGA Executive Board may request the President to call a meeting.


Section 4. The work of the SGA shall be done primarily in committee. These standing committees shall be chaired by executive officers. Executive officers will be appointed. Each committee shall elect a secretary at its first meeting. Any student may join an open committee.

Subsection 4a. A General Assemblies Committee shall organize the general assemblies and bring resolutions passed by the assembly to the executive board and communicate with the faculty and administration and take faculty and administrative issues to the executive board. This committee shall be an open committee.

Subsection 4b. The Budget Committee shall manage a balanced budget and coordinate all fundraising activities. This committee shall be a closed committee.

Subsection 4c. The Multimedia Committee shall manage all digital media (i.e. Social Media, websites, etc.) and print media (i.e. posters, brochures, etc.). These materials must be approved by the executive board. This committee shall be an open committee.

Subsection 4d. The Activities Committee shall oversee the role of the TCSGA in Spring Fling/Fall Fest. The committee may also host the presidential debates and/or other SGA-hosted events. The committee shall be responsible for strengthening new, current, and dormant clubs. This committee shall be an open committee.

Subsection 4e. All other committees shall be appointed by the president and are considered AD HOC Committees.

Section 5. In the absence of the President, duties of the office shall devolve upon the Vice-President.

Section 6. In the event the President’s Office is vacated before the time for the regular election, the Vice-President shall be declared the President.

Section 7. The Vice President shall be responsible for Roberts Rule of Order.


Section 8. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and correspondence of the SGA. It shall also be the responsibility of the Secretary to call the roll and certify to the President the presence of a quorum.

Section 9. It shall be responsibility of the Secretary to see that following items are filed in the Student Government Advisor’s office at the end of the school year.

(1.) The minutes of the meeting of the SGA (2.) Correspondence concerning the SGA

Section 10. The Treasurer shall report and record all financial transactions of the SGA.

Section 11. The Treasurer shall be subject to audit by the SGA.

Section 12. Social Media Director shall be responsible for the channels of communication between the SGA and the student body and Registered Student Organizations, (example: announcement, bulletin board notice, a summary of the SGA minutes, etc.) and the administration and the public. The Public Relations Officer shall also be the Historian, keeping a “scrapbook” or collection of items of the term of office.

Section 13. All Executive Officers will be required to complete one hour of office time per week. This will be organized by the SGA Advisor. Available office hours will begin on Monday and must be completed by Friday at 12:00 pm.



Section 1. The Student Government Executive Board should meet no less than twice per month.

Section 2. The Student Government, before August 1st of each year, shall establish regularly scheduled meetings.

Section 3. Meetings shall be considered official when a majority of members are present.

Section 4. The President may call special meetings. The secretary will notify all members of special meetings. The President must make the Advisor aware of all meetings

Section 5. At least one meeting of the student body shall be called per semester and conducted by the Executive Board for the purpose of hearing statements, proposals, and/or amendments.


Section 1. The Student Government shall establish and promote harmonious relationships among student, faculty, staff, administration, and residents of the Murray State College Areas.


Section 2. The Student Government shall be responsible for advising the President of the College of problems, conflicts, concerns, and quality of student life.

Section 3. The Student Government shall be responsible for advising the Executive Director of Student Affairs and faculty input, interests, and ideas in the areas of activities programming.

Section 4. The Student Government shall promote clubs and other student groups and review and advise applications of new clubs with the Executive Director of Student Affairs and SGA Advisor.


Section 1. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the President a minimum of two weeks prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.

Section 2. All amendments to the Constitution shall become official with approval of college administration and with a two-thirds majority vote of the Student Government.


The Constitution shall become official when approved by the college administration, a majority vote of the student body and approval of the Murray State College Board of Regents



Section 1. The Student Senate of the Student Government will be composed of a member from each club, organization, and department representatives. The representing Senate member will be nominated by the club or organization advisor. The representing members must attend one meeting per month.

Section 2. The Student Senate will be able to propose amendments and vote for said amendments during general assembly meetings.



Murray State College Student Government Association



All amendments shall be properly numbered (see below) and may be further identified by a title, subtitle, or other. All amendments shall be presented in 12 point Times New Roman font, single- spaced. All amendments shall be presented on 8.5” x 11” paper. All amendments shall contain line numbers.


A Constitutional amendment shall be identified as “C.R. ##” (where “##” stands for the number of the proposed amendment). Constitutional amendments shall be numbered sequentially; this requirement shall not be retroactive. Amendments which alter or nullify the constitution must contain the original text.


A bylaw or bylaw amendment shall be identified as “C.R. ##” (where “##” stands for the number of the resolution). Bylaws and bylaw amendments shall be numbered sequentially; this requirement shall not be retroactive. Bylaws which alter or nullify a previous bylaw must contain the text of the original bylaw.



The oath of office for the president of the Murray State College Student Government Association shall be as follows: “I do solemnly swear that I [state your name] will faithfully execute the office of president of the Murray State College Student Government Association and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend its constitution.”


The oath of office for the vice president of the Murray State College Student Government Association shall be as follows: “I do solemnly swear that I [state your name] will faithfully execute the office of vice president of the Murray State College Student Government Association and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend its constitution.”



Oaths for other offices shall be thus: I, [state your name] of Murray State College do solemnly swear and hereby affirm that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office to which I have been elected. I will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Murray State College Student Government Association Constitution and Bylaws, will strive through all of my actions to uphold and further the principles for which it was written, as well as fulfill my duty to excellence, integrity, and service to the students of Murray State College.



In addition to reciting the required text above, from which there may be no deviation, the following supplementary privileges are allowed: (1) The oath taker may choose to affirm rather than swear; (2) The oath taker may choose to add “So help me God” or other punctuative phrases;

(3) The oath taker may choose to take the oath upon a religious text or other; (4) None of the above privileges shall be infringed upon by a student, faculty member, or other. None of these aforementioned additions and/or variations shall invalidate the oath. The oath must be taken before the conclusion of the semester during which new candidates are elected. The oath shall be recited by the advisor and repeated by the incoming officers.





In the event of current members of the SGA during the Spring Semester wishing to fill Officer positions for the following Fall Semester, they must declare intent to fill the position to the existing Board. They must provide a written Declaration stating which position, as well as a brief explanation as to why they should be considered for the Fall Vacancy.



Should the petitioner be nominated to position post Declaration of Intent, then a vote may be called. Should the petitioner win the vote, then they may retain the Officer’s seat for the Fall Semester. Seats shall be taken at the same time that the incumbent President takes Office.




before the first fall meeting, the newly elected SGA President may appoint, with Advisor approval, a student to the open position or positions, until the new Executive Board is elected at the Fall meeting as per Article III, Section 2, Subsection “Senators”, #3. The appointee must declare intent to fill the position to the existing Board. The appointee must provide a written declaration stating which position the appointee wishes to fill, as well as a brief explanation as to why they should be considered for the position.


Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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