
Student Activities

18 Policies for Registered Student Clubs and Organizations

Student organizations at Murray State College vary slightly from year to year in accordance with changes in student needs and interests. Some organizations are primarily social, whereas others are academic, professional, or service in nature. The Student Government is the chartering body for new organizations. All student organizations are required to operate under constitutions which conform to the educational objectives and regulations of the College in addition to, all MSC clubs and organizations will abide by all of the requirements stated in the MSC Student Handbook to maintain active status. Any funds collected by student organizations must be deposited with and dispensed through the College Business Office. An accounting of all monies must be made to the Business Office according to accepted audit standards. Failure to observe College fiscal or activity policies may result in probation or suspension of a club or organization. Any student organization sponsoring an activity (on or off campus) must file an “Activity Registration” form with the Executive Director of Student Affairs at least five (5) days prior to the event. The Executive Director of Student Affairs and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs may suggest modifications to the fundraiser as needed. Also, the Student Government Office will maintain an event calendar to aid organizations and groups with their planning of events. It is recommended that all events be placed on the event calendar to aid in total campus community planning of activities. (Executive Director of Student Affairs Office, 580.387.7139)

Murray State College requirements for maintaining fall active status as a club/organization:

  • Hold regular meetings at least once a month. Meeting dates and times to be put on the SGA calendar as soon as possible. Student Life Office and SGA Director of Media Relations to be notified of club/organization meeting dates 7 days before the meetings are held.
  • Maintain an up-to-date Constitution, Charter, and Strategic Plan.
  • Have a sponsor (a full-time employee) who attends meetings and club/organization functions.
  • Handle financial matters honestly and transparently.
  • Have a member in attendance at each SGA meeting. Zoom will be available for online students, but it is a requirement to have at least one in-person meeting per semester.
  • Have an updated information link on the MSC Student Life homepage (social media links, etc.).
  • Have at least one social media link (approved by Activities Coordinator). Options can include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other MSC approved social media site.
  • Have a club/organization officer designated to manage all social media.
  • Each club/organization will execute one mandatory philanthropy project per semester. This may be on or off campus. The Executive Director of Student Affairs has final approval of philanthropy commitments. There does not have to be a financial part to philanthropy projects (examples – spending a day helping Habitat for Humanity or doing a beautification project at a school).
  • Each sponsor will complete an End of Year Club/Organization Audit Form (link to the form is under Student Life on the MSC main webpage) to be completed by the sponsor and signed by the sponsor and the club/organization President.
  • Officers must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to retain their office.
  • Clubs/Organizations will submit meeting minutes electronically to the Executive Director of Student Affairs within 5 days of meetings.
  • All student clubs/organizations will submit times and dates for their meetings, events, and philanthropies to the Student Life Coordinator and the SGA Director of Media Relations to be put on the SGA Student Event Calendar.


If a club/organization does not have any financial activity (deposits or withdrawals) for one academic year, the organization will be declared dormant by the Student Life Coordinator and the Executive Director of Student Affairs. The funds of that club/organization will then be moved to the Student Activities General Fund before the end of the fiscal year.


Defunct Status for Clubs:

Clubs Become Defunct: 

Possible reasons for becoming defunct:

  • Failure to comply with college, municipal, or state laws, policies, or procedures
  • Failure to abide by the club/organization Constitution
  • Inactivity for two years Procedures following a ruling of defunct:
  • Club would remain defunct for a one-year period
  • Club would apply for reinstatement having written a new Charter, Constitution, and Strategic Plan
  • Funding for the organization would begin at $0 and a new request for funding would have to be done through the VPSA office.


A club/organization may be deemed dormant by the Executive Director of Student Affairs or the VPSA. A club/organization may be shut down (deemed defunct) by the VPSA.

Dormant Status for Clubs:

If necessary, the Executive Director of Student Affairs will notify a club sponsor and the club President of his/her intent to classify a club/organization as inactive. The organization’s President will then be given an opportunity to present a case on behalf of the club/organization. This hearing will be with the VPSA, the Executive Director of Student Affairs and one other fulltime employee to be named at the time of need. Possible reasons for potentially being classified as dormant are as follows:

  • Failure to maintain a faculty advisor
  • Failure to provide a list of Officers by the specified date
  • Failure to notify the Student Life Office of Constitutional changes within 10 days of said changes
  • Failure to complete a philanthropy by the end of the semester
  • Failure to comply with Murray State College policies or any authorized directive from an authorized college official Until the club/organization corrects all noted deficiencies, the following actions will be in place:
  • No financial support from the college
  • Name will be removed from all relevant College publications and website mentions
  • Ineligible for Club Awards



Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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