
General Campus Policies and Procedures

53 Operational Rules for Computer, Network, and Communications Use


MSC is committed to maintaining our progressive, modern, information technology systems in a manner that facilitates successful achievement of the mission of our college. A critical aspect of this is a responsible use procedure for students, faculty, staff, and others who use MSC’s computers, network, distance learning facilities, and/or other communications technology. All technology users have the responsibility of using technology in an effective, efficient, and ethical manner. The standards stated in this procedure are derived from common sense and common decency that apply to the use of all public resources within the college.



The purpose of developing and maintaining information technology at MSC is to promote access, use, and exchange of knowledge and information. This technology is intended to: a) promote learning, research, and other scholarly activities and b) conduct official MSC business and activities. Resources and technology for this purpose include telephones, FAX machines, photocopiers, computers and peripherals, distance learning resources, a local area network, and network connections to Internet via the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s OneNet.


User Responsibilities, Violations, and Abuse 

Rules and conditions apply to all users of MSC technology. Violations of any of these are considered unethical. Some violations are also unlawful. MSC considers the use of technology and related facilities as a privilege, not a right, and seeks to protect legitimate technology users by imposing sanctions on those who abuse the privilege. This is to ensure that legitimate users will have the maximum resources possible.

  • To retain the privilege of technology use, individuals must accept responsibility to protect the rights of all users by adhering to all rules and conditions for use. Abuse of rights and privileges may constitute just cause for disciplinary action such as Advisement, withdrawal of use privileges, dismissal, and/or legal action. The following are examples of abuse:
  • Interference with the intended use of technology
  • Unauthorized access or attempted access to confidential resources and information
  • Unauthorized modification of any technology, programs, files, or other resources
  • Unauthorized destruction, dismantling, or disfigurement of any technology, programs, files, or other resources
  • Violation of privacy of other individuals or entities who are users or providers of information resources
  • Violation of copyrights, patents, authorization agreements, licensing agreements, and/or other actual or implied contractual agreements
  • Harassment of another individual on the network or connected systems and/or developing or using programs which harass other computer users
  • Use of technology, including telephones, to send fraudulent, harassing, obscene, indecent, profane, intimidating, or other unlawful messages according to state or federal law
  • Any for-profit use, including but not limited to transmission of commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, and promotions
  • Transmission of messages in support of illegal activities
  • Transmission of destructive programs



Additional elaboration on copyrights is warranted. All software protected by copyright shall not be copied except as specifically stipulated by the owner of the copyright. Protected software is not to be copied into, from, or by any MSC system except in accordance with applicable licensing agreements. Thus, the number and distribution of copies of programs may not be done in such a way that the number of simultaneous users exceeds the number of original copies purchased unless otherwise stipulated in the purchase contract. Images and written materials available via electronic resources may be subject to copyright laws. Individual users are responsible for acquiring the appropriate permissions for any uses of such materials. Additional information on copyright information is available in a separate MSC copyright procedure.


Display of Offensive Materials 

Display of potentially offensive ethnic, sexual, or otherwise offensive materials where other persons can view such material is prohibited. Special arrangements may be made for research or projects that require viewing such potentially sensitive materials. Students, faculty, staff, and other users of MSC technology and facilities may complain of sexual or racial harassment by virtue of being exposed to obscene images, video, or TX in such cases, the user responsible for publicly displaying such material may have their user privileges revoked if evidence is presented that substantiates the complaints.


Limiting Use

MSC reserves the right to limit a computer user’s sessions if there are insufficient resources or if the user violates or abuses user rights. The protection of rights of all computer and other technology users depends on the protection of the integrity of the MSC system as a whole. Users are responsible for reporting any abuses by other users, defects in system accounting, or defects in system security to the Associate Director of Computer Services or a member of the Computer Services staff immediately upon discovery.



System security is maintained in large part by password protection of computer accounts. By law, a computer user who has been authorized to use an account may be subject to both civil and criminal liability if that account is made available to unauthorized persons without appropriate permission. If account sharing is necessary, it is strongly recommended that all persons involved obtain written permission, including Computer Services. Protect your passwords as you would a key to your car or house.



Only individuals authorized to monitor information technology resources for potential abuse are persons specifically named by the President of MSC. Reports of suspected violations of this procedure would be reported to the appropriate direct supervisor or administrator. Violations supported by evidence will be handled in the same manner as for any other violation of campus procedure according to the applicable procedures for Advisement students, staff, faculty, and administrative personnel.


Web Page Development 

The World Wide Web offers MSC the opportunity to provide a broad spectrum of information in the multimedia format to large numbers of people. Institutional information published on the Web by MSC users must meet certain basic standards and represent MSC in a coherent, positive, and appropriate manner. These standards are presented in a separate MSC Web Page Development Guide.


Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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