
General Campus Policies and Procedures

45 Drug-Free Campus/Workplace (Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention)

Policy Statement (Board Approval Date: 03/22/11):

All Students and Employees Regarding the Drug-Free School and Communities Act: The Board, recognizing that the illegal possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students or employees is not only harmful to one’s health, but also subjects the individual to civil and criminal litigation, accepts and supports the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).

Murray State College is committed to providing an alcohol- and drug-free environment in which to learn and work. Therefore, employees and students of MSC are expected to abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws prohibiting use of alcohol and illegal drugs.


Standards of Conduct: The illegal possession and/or illegal use of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs on College property, in College housing, or at any College-sponsored activity by students and/or employees of the College are forbidden.


  1. College Sanctions for Students: The following sanctions may be imposed by any of the following: Director of Resident Life, chief student affairs officer, the Student Conduct/Appeals Committee, or by the President. The severity of the imposed sanctions will be appropriate to the violation; possible sanctions include probation, suspension, expulsion, loss of institutional aid, and/or restriction of student’s activities or privileges. Students will be charged for all damages or misappropriation of property, which occurs in the violation of a rule or regulation. Restitution may be monetary compensation, replacement, or repair. Community service hours will be performed in an area of the College or a community agency for a specified number of hours. Professional counseling, referral to a rehabilitation program, and/or specific restrictions may be used in conjunction with various sanctions.
  2. College Sanctions for Employees: The Board has adopted a Drug-Free Workplace Policy that the MSC workplace is to be free from illegal manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any controlled substance. Such actions are grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of employment. A workplace is defined as any place an employee functions within the scope of his/her job responsibilities. Employees convicted of any workplace-related drug offense, which does not result in discharge or forfeiture of position, may be required to successfully complete a recognized drug treatment or rehabilitation program. A video is available for checkout in the MSC Library/Learning Resource Center. All employees must notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring while performing within the role and scope of their respective responsibilities.

Any employee or student found to be in violation of the federal and/or state laws pertaining to the use or abuse of alcohol and/or illicit drugs may be referred to the legal system for prosecution.

Legal Sanctions – Drugs

Federal and state laws impose grave penalties on those who illegally possess, use, or distribute drugs or alcohol. According to the Oklahoma Criminal Laws, a person found in possession of a controlled, dangerous substance within this state, such as marijuana, cannabis, or methamphetamine, and/or drug paraphernalia (pipes, roach clips, cocaine spoons, etc.) will be placed under arrest. All vehicles or any other means of transportation used to transport a controlled, dangerous substance and money, weapons, or devices therein, are subject to forfeiture. Upon conviction, penalties range from fines to a year in the county jail, to life in the state penitentiary, and/or both.

The Uniform Controlled Substance Act sets up five schedules of controlled substances based on dangerousness and medical uses. It prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale or acquisition by misrepresentation or forgery of controlled substances, except in accordance with the Act, as well as the knowing possession of controlled substances unlawfully acquired. Penalties for first-time violators of the Act range from not less than 5 years’ imprisonment and fines of not more than $250,000 or both for possession or distribution of a small amount of marijuana or hashish, not for sale, to 40 years or $10 million or both for the manufacture or delivery of a Schedule I or II narcotic. (Marijuana is a Schedule I controlled substance.) Second offense penalties range from not more than 10 years’ imprisonment and fines of $500,000 to not less than 10 years’ imprisonment and fines of not more than $10 million, or both, to not less than 20 years’ imprisonment and fines of not more than $20 million, or both.

This is only a summary of legal sanctions. Additional federal and state penalties may apply.

Other Federal Sanctions 

In addition to fines and prison terms, federal sanctions for the possession or distribution of illicit drugs may include the forfeiture of federal Financial Aid eligibility for a period of one or more years. If the conviction occurs while the student is enrolled and receiving aid, the student may be required to repay all federal aid received. Eligibility may be regained by completing an acceptable drug rehabilitation program.

Other Less Understood Offenses 

Misdemeanors (M) are punishable by imprisonment in county jail for not more than one year and/or a fine not exceeding $500 unless a different amount is specified for the Offense. Felonies (F) are punishable by imprisonment in the state corrections system for up to two years and/or a fine not exceeding $1,000 unless a different amount is specified for the offense.

Conviction of a felony can render person ineligible for licensure/certification/employment in their career profession; examples are law, medicine, engineering, architecture, accounting, teaching, law enforcement/public safety and military. It can also prevent acquisition of a security clearance necessary to many other jobs.

Medical Marijuana 

In June 2018, State Question 788 became law in Oklahoma. This state question was an initiative to legalize medical marijuana. Despite passage of State Question 788, the use, possession, sale, or distribution of marijuana (including medical marijuana, edibles, and products containing marijuana) on any college-owned or controlled property or at any college event remains illegal pursuant to the Controlled Substances Act, the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, and the Drug Free Workplace Act, and against Murray State College policy. You may not bring marijuana on any college property or to any college event, or smoke or consume marijuana or any product containing marijuana on any college property or at any college event, and you may not come to class or work under the influence of any illegal substance, including marijuana. Even though medical marijuana is now legal under Oklahoma law, it remains illegal under federal law. As a recipient of federal funding, Murray State College must abide by federal law, which prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, and use of illegal drugs, including medical marijuana. Regardless of having a license for medical marijuana, its use on campus or at college events is strictly prohibited and violation of Murray State College policy regarding controlled substances such as marijuana may result in disciplinary action.

Health Risks

Use of alcohol and other drugs represents a serious threat to health and the quality of life. More than 25,000 people die each year from drug-related accidents or health problems. With most drugs, it is possible that users will develop psychological and physical dependence. The general categories of drugs and their effects are as follows:

Alcohol produces short-term effects that include behavioral changes, impairment of judgment and coordination, greater likelihood of aggressive acts, respiratory depression, irreversible physical and mental abnormalities in newborns (fetal alcohol syndrome) and death. Long-term effects of alcohol abuse include damage to the liver, heart and brain; ulcers; gastritis; malnutrition; delirium tremens; and cancer. Alcohol combined with barbiturates and other depressants can prove to be a deadly mixture.

Amphetamines/stimulants (speed, uppers, crank, caffeine, etc.) speed up the nervous system and can cause increased heart and breathing rates, higher blood pressure, decreased appetite, headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, sleeplessness, anxiety, hallucinations, paranoia, depression, convulsions, and death due to a stroke or heart failure.

Anabolic steroids seriously affect the liver, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Anabolic steroids can cause sterility in males and females as well as impotency in males.

Barbiturates/depressants (downers, Quaaludes, valium, etc.) slow down the central nervous system and can cause decreased heart and breathing rates, lowered blood pressure, slowed reactions, confusion, distortion of reality, convulsions, respiratory depression, coma and death. Depressants combined with alcohol can be lethal.

Cocaine/crack stimulates the central nervous system and is extremely addictive, both psychologically and physically. Effects include dilated pupils, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite, hallucinations, paranoia, seizures and death due to cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.

Hallucinogens (PCP, angel dust, LSD, etc.) interrupt the functions of the part of the brain that controls the intellect and instincts. May result in self-inflicted injuries, impaired coordination, dulled senses, incoherent speech, depression, anxiety, violent behavior, paranoia, hallucinations, increased heart rate and blood pressure, convulsions, coma, and heart and lung failure.

Cannabis (marijuana, hashish, hash, etc.) impairs short-term memory comprehension, concentration, coordination and motivation, may also cause paranoia and psychosis. Marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing agents than tobacco smoke. The way in which marijuana is smoked – deeply inhaled and held in the lungs for a long period – enhances the risk of getting cancer. Combined with alcohol, marijuana can produce a dangerous multiplied effect.

Narcotics (heroin, morphine, Demerol, Percodan, etc.) initially produces feelings of euphoria often followed by drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. An overdose may result in convulsions, coma and death. Tolerance develops rapidly and dependence is likely. Using contaminated syringes to inject such drugs may result in AIDS.

Tobacco/nicotine causes death among some 170,000 people in the United States each year due to smoking-related coronary heart disease. Some 30 percent of the 130,000 cancer deaths each year are linked to smoking. Lung, larynx, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, and kidney cancers strike smokers at increased rates. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are 10 times more likely among smokers. Smokeless tobacco has been associated with other types of cancers, as well as heart disease. It can speed tooth decay, may cause your gums to recede, stain your teeth, and give you bad breath. In addition, high nicotine levels (higher than cigarettes) make this kind of tobacco extremely addictive.


Treatment Programs and Help Agencies

A.D.A Area Chemical Dependency Center: Out-Patient Services

A.D.A: 580.332.3001

Alcoholics Anonymous

405.949.0910 (OKC)

405.524.1100 (Hotline)

Advisement Inc.: Family/Youth Services

Tishomingo: 580.371.3551 or 580.371.3576

Brief Interventions (Madill)


Substance Abuse Advisement, Evaluations, DUI School and Assessments

Broadway Safe House for Men Half-Way House for Drugs and Alcohol

Ardmore: 580.226.3252
Bryan County Advisement Center

Durant: 580.924.0564

Carter County Health Department

580.223.9705: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Center for Substance Abuse
1800. 662. HELP M-F 8:30-4:30

C/Sara Foundation: Crisis Support & Resource Association

Ardmore: 580.226.7283 or


Crisis Control Center (Durant)

Physical, Emotional, and Abuse 580.924.3030

DAI Center

Ardmore: 580.226.9222

Family Crisis Center, Inc.:

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services

A.D.A: 580.436.3504

Drug Recovery

(Inpatient/Outpatient: Adults/Youth)
OKC: 405.424.4347
Families First Inc.

(Out-Patient Advisement Services) Ardmore: 580.226.9388 A.D.A: 580.310.9000

Family Shelter of Southern Oklahoma

(Crisis hotline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Ardmore: 580.226.6424
Helen Holliday House for Women

Lawton: 580.357.8114

Johnston County Health Department


Lighthouse Behavioral Wellness Centers

(Acceptance is contingent upon application.)
Ada: 580.436.2690
Ardmore 580.223.5636
Durant 580.924.7330
Pauls Valley 405.238.7311
Seminole 405.382.4507
Tishomingo 580.371.3019

Hotline 1.800.522.1090

Mercy Memorial Health Center


National Council on Alcoholism

(24 hours a day) 1.800.622.2255

Pregnancy Resource Center of Southern Oklahoma


Reach-Out Hotline

(Mental health and/or substance abuse issues, crisis intervention & referrals)


Rolling Hills (A.D.A)

580.436.3600; 1.800.522.9505


(Referral hotline for issues related to domestic violence)

Vantage Point

(28 Day Inpatient Treatment for Drugs & Alcohol)

Ardmore: 580.226.5048

Vocational Rehabilitation

Ada 580.993.0237
Ardmore 580.226.1808 or1.800.487.4042

Durant 580.924.2677

Wichita Mountain Prevention Network

Lawton: 580.355.5246
Mental Health Services and Referrals for Students


A referral for counseling should be considered when faculty/staff believe a student’s problems go beyond their own experience and expertise, or when they feel uncomfortable helping a student with some issue. Faculty/Staff might refer a student to the Executive Director of Student Affairs (580.387.7139) because of the way the student’s problems are interfering with their academic work or with instruction, or because observation of a student’s personal behavior raises concerns apart from their academic work.

Student Affairs staff are available to consult with students and faculty around a variety of mental health-related issues such as:

  • Concerns about the welfare/mental health of a particular student
  • Concerns about the college community’s reaction to a traumatic event
  • Suggestions/help on how to refer someone for services

Signs of Concern

  •  Marked decline in the quality of a student’s coursework and/or class participation; increased absence from class and/or failure to turn in work
  • Prolonged depression, suggested by a sad expression, apathy, weight loss, sleeping difficulty, tearfulness
  • Nervousness, agitation, excessive worry; irritability, aggressiveness, non-stop talking
  • Bizarre, strange behavior or speech
  • Extreme dependency on faculty/staff, including spending much of their time visiting during office hours or at other times
  • Marked change in personal hygiene
  • Direct statements indicating family problems, including personal losses such as the death of a family member or the break-up of a relationship
  • Expressions of concern about a student by peers
  • Talk of suicide, either directly or indirectly, such as, “I won’t be around to take that exam anyway? Or “I’m not worried about getting a job; I won’t need one”
  • Comments in a student’s paper that arouse concern


Everyone experiences stress differently, and many disturbances may be relatively transient. However, faculty/staff may become alarmed by even brief changes that are extreme or by significant changes that continue for some time. If there is doubt about the seriousness of the problem, they are encouraged to consult Student Affairs at 580.387.7139.

How to Refer a Student 

If a student agrees that counseling might be useful, there are several steps to take, depending on the urgency of the situation.

  • Direct the student to call Student Affairs at 580.387.7139 for immediate referral.
  • Accompany the student to the Office of Student Affairs-Resident Housing Office #2 if needed.
  • If you don’t expect to speak to a student in-person (e.g., only through emails), or you have an urgent concern, the Executive Director of Student Affairs can reach out to him/her in a more active way.


Working with Students Yourself 

In some cases, students who seek help may work more effectively with faculty/staff rather than being referred to counseling. An employee’s willingness to listen is very important to those students. Faculty/Staff may also choose to work with the students on improving their academic work without focusing on the psychological issues that underlie the behavior. Faculty/Staff can always consult Student Affairs on how to best handle either of these approaches.


Students’ Confidentiality 

We treat all of our contacts with students confidentially and in accordance with State of Oklahoma mental health regulations governing our professional professions. We adhere to the HIPAA laws which further ensure that student’s protected health information is properly managed. We can disclose that a student is receiving psychological services/has followed through with a referral only if the students signs an authorization giving us permission to do so. We can release information without a student’s written consent only in those circumstances in which there is imminent danger to the student or to others; in cases of child or elder abuse; when court-ordered to do so; or when otherwise required by law.



Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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