
Code of Conduct

25 Definitions


Incorporating someone else’s work or ideas into one’s own work and passing it off as one’s own.

Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct, broadly speaking, is any action which gains, attempts to gain, or assists others in gaining or attempting to gain unfair academic advantage. It includes plagiarism, collusion, contract cheating, and fabrication of data as well as the posession of unauthorised materials during an examination.

Academic Complaints:

(program, course content, delivery method, instructor, learning environment, faculty proficiency in written/spoken English, access to resources, etc.) Please note that this is NOT a grade appeal (see the student

Non-Academic Complaints:

student services, safety concern, administrative action, housing, dining, facilities, procedure, decision etc.

Title IX Violations:

Any activity that goes against any Title IX Policies

Conduct Violations:

Conduct that is detrimental to the safety and integrity of the campus


Any member of the College community, visitor, or guest who alleges a violation(s) by any student for misconduct under this Student Code of Conduct. The College may also serve as the complainant.

Faculty member:

Any person hired by the College to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the College to be a member of the faculty.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):

A federal law originally passed in 1974 that defines student educational records and regulates who may access those records and under what circumstances. The purpose of FERPA is to protect the privacy of student education records.

Hearing Procedures:

The hearing is not a legal proceeding. Formal rules of process, procedure, and evidence do not apply. Requisite levels of due process and fairness will be provided to all participants during these proceedings.

Investigative Report:

The report of investigation prepared by an investigator after a formal complaint is filed, processed, and investigated.

Parental Notification:

FERPA permits educational institutions to notify parents of students under the age of 21 when a student has been found responsible for an alcohol or drug-related violation.

Preponderance of Evidence:

The standard by which Student Code of Conduct violations are decided. This standard of evidence means that what is alleged to have happened is, more likely than not, what actually happened.

Prohibited Conduct:

Conduct that potentially jeopardizes individual or community safety or educational opportunities. Prohibited conduct can occur on or off campus.

Responding Party:

Any student who is alleged to have violated the Student Code of Conduct.

Vice President of Student Affairs:

Employee designated by the College President to be responsible for the administration of the Student Code of Conduct.

Student Code of Conduct:

As a community, the College has developed a code of standards and expectations that are consistent with its purpose as an educational institution. The Student Code of Conduct conveys these standards and expectations.


An individual who has been admitted and/or enrolled for the current term or a future term at Murray State College, including all modes of remote instruction. Students who leave the College before a conduct complaint is resolved may be prohibited from future enrollment until the matter is resolved. Allegations of academic dishonesty, or fraudulently obtaining a degree may be filed at any time, whether or not the student is currently enrolled or registered.

Student Status:

The active or inactive status of the student will determine the procedures and sanctioning for a Student Code of Conduct complaint. A student who withdraws from a course or from the College or completes their courses after the date of an alleged violation is still considered a student.

Active Status:

Any person enrolled in or taking courses at or through the College, either full-time or part-time, credit or noncredit, including correspondence study, concurrent courses, dual enrollment, online courses, study abroad and auditing courses. Active student status lasts until an individual graduates, is dismissed, or is not in attendance for three consecutive semesters (i.e. fall-spring-fall semesters.)

Inactive Status:

An inactive student is any person possessing a MSC ID number but not meeting the entire criteria of an active student. Allegations of sexual misconduct, academic dishonesty, or fraudulently obtaining a degree may be filed at any time, whether or not the student is currently enrolled or registered.

Support Person:

A person who has agreed to assist a complainant or respondent during the College conduct process. The support person may be a person of the student’s choosing, including a college faculty or staff member, a Murray State College student, a parent, a friend, or an attorney.

Supportive Measures:

Non-disciplinary actions offered or required of one or both parties, respondent or complainant, involved in an alleged violation of the code of student conduct. Such measures are intended to maintain the student’s access to education and protect the safety of all parties.

Title IX:

A comprehensive federal law that protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.


Murray State College Student Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic and Student Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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