
Americans with Disabilities Act-Disability Services

64 Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

Americans with Disabilities  Act


Policy Statement (Board Approval Date: 03.22.11; Updated 11.13.13)


Murray State College, in compliance with Title VI of the civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sex, age, religion, handicap, or status as veteran in any of its policies, practices, procedures, education programs, or activities. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. Compliance responsibilities regarding Section 504 and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 are assigned to and maintained by:

Tracey Hickman

Dean of Learning and Student Success

ADA Compliance Officer


One Murray Campus

Tishomingo, OK 73460




Procedure Updated 11.13.13; 05.04.21; 06.22.23

1.         The Student’s Responsibilities:

a.        The student must self-identify the disability and submit a signed request listing any accommodations requested to the ADA Intake Specialist or ADA Compliance Officer- Tracey Hickman. This should be done upon registration, but in any event it should be done as soon as possible. On classes shorter than a semester in length, notification is required at registration or as soon as possible. The earlier this is done, the greater the opportunity MSC has to respond to the need following documentation.

b.       The student’s request must be accompanied by an evaluation from a qualified professional. The professional’s evaluation must include a diagnosis with recommended accommodation(s).


2.        MSC’s Responsibilities to the Student:

a.        When the ADA Intake Specialist or ADA Compliance Officer receives the student’s request and the qualified professional’s diagnosis with recommended accommodation(s), a thorough individualized assessment is conducted. This may be a collaborative process involving the ADA Compliance Officer, the student, and the instructor.

b.       If cost is involved in the requested accommodation, the Chief Finance Officer must approve the request.

c.        The ADA Compliance Officer completes the ADA Accommodations/Responsibilities form and notifies appropriate College personnel, including instructors, about academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services (accommodations) approved for a student with a disability in a timely fashion and, whenever possible, prior to the start of a semester or class session.

d.       The ADA Compliance Officer will document (in letter form) any additional information which may be needed or the accommodation provided which will be addressed to the student and all appropriate College personnel including instructors.

e.        In the event that a student with a disability provides new disabling conditions or changes in the student’s accommodation needs, the College will conduct a thorough, individualized assessment of the information and, as appropriate, change or update the accommodations granted to the student in a timely fashion. The A.D.A. Compliance Officer will document in letter form the changed or updated accommodation provided which will be addressed to the student and all appropriate College personnel including instructors.

f.         The ADA Intake Office maintains the student’s file including all documentation.

g.        The Chief Academic Officer ensures that all course syllabi include the following statement: “Murray State College is committed to providing equal access to College programs and services for all students. Under College policy and federal and state laws, students with documented disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodation to ensure the student has an equal opportunity to perform in class.”

h.       When a student self-identifies a disability, faculty members should direct the student to the ADA Compliance Officer.




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