
22 Student Attendance

Regular attendance is essential to optimum academic achievement; therefore, the student is expected to attend every meeting of the courses in which they are enrolled.  Absences in excess of one per semester hour are considered sufficient to seriously affect academic achievement in class.  When more than one absence per semester hour has occurred, the student should be informed of their opportunities for success in the course.

Student absences are either excused or unexcused.  Individual instructors will determine whether an absence is to be excused, with the exception of college-sponsored activities.  An excused absence allows a student to make up (also see Examinations-Grading), within a reasonable length of time for any course requirement missed because of the absence.   When absences (either excused or unexcused) become so excessive that in the judgment of the instructor, the student cannot perform the requirements of the course, the instructor may recommend to the Vice President of Academic Affairs that the student is administratively withdrawn from the course. Student activities and travel that require notice of an excused absence must be submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs office at academicaffairs@mscok.edu. All requests must include the dates, times, and a list of students.  The Office of Academic Affairs will email excused absence notices to faculty after they are reviewed.

Attendance records for in-person classes should be kept daily through the Aggies Online Portal.  Online attendance is tracked through participation by completing activities and their online work.  It is important that you keep it up to date so that retention staff can take immediate action.


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