20 Class Meeting Time

The published class schedule must be followed as to meeting times, days, and length of the class.  Please be sure to verify with the appropriate Chair, the number of lecture and/or lab hours for each class taught.  The Vice President of Academic Affairs must approve any deviation from the published schedule including classrooms! If an approved deviation is necessary, each student must be informed.  Instructors are responsible for the supervision of their classes during the entire class period, including field trips, library orientation, and special meetings outside the classroom.

Daytime classes are not scheduled for a break period within the scheduled meeting time.  Class sections during the evening are scheduled for a ten-minute break during the meeting time.  Each instructor should discuss meeting times and break periods with the Chair prior to the first class session so that the required instructional time for each course is fully understood.


Each credit hour represents one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of outside classwork per week for approximately 16 weeks.  An “academic hour” is defined as 50 minutes. One semester credit of asynchronous distance learning or hybrid-based instruction is based on the student learning outcomes being equivalent to the outcomes in the same course taught in a face-to-face section of the same course. This equivalency is determined by a peer review of the content, competency coverage, and student learning outcomes of the course.  Accelerated courses or late-start face-to-face courses require the same 800 minutes per credit hour of instructional and evaluation time as traditional face-to-face courses.  Academic activities include, but are not limited to reading, writing, studying, research, and completing worksheets.  In addition, at least an equivalent amount of out of class work is required for laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. Faculty are responsible for ensuring the required credit hours are met.

Quality Assurance course reviews each semester include a review of credit hours by the Center of Instructional Development and Technology (CIDT) team. Reports are provided to Academic Deans for review. Reports ensure online and hybrid courses are providing content and coursework in relation to the defined credit hour to maintain the same rigor and equitable learning experience.


Murray State College Faculty Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic Affairs. All Rights Reserved.

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