
15 Procedures for Assigning an Incomplete Grade

The Incomplete Grade Contract document is required any time a final grade of incomplete “I” is assigned in a course.  It protects both the faculty and the student by clearly defining remaining course completion requirements and permits another faculty member to oversee the completion of the coursework when necessary.

  1. The student must have completed at least 70% of the coursework during the course timeframe in order to be eligible for an “I”.
  2. The student must be passing the course. An “I” grade is not an alternative to assigning a grade of “F”.  Instructors may administratively withdraw students prior to the deadlines each semester or assign an “F” grade to students who are failing the course.
  3. An Instructor should not give an incomplete grade without notifying the student. If the Instructor is unable to obtain the student’s signature on the Incomplete Contract (contact Registration for a copy), the Instructor must email the agreement to the student and provide documentation of the email with the contract to the Chair and to the Registrar & Admissions Office.
  4. Instructors may allow up to one year for students to complete all coursework to resolve an incomplete grade. If the student fails to complete the work within the required timeframe, the grade of “I” will remain on the transcript.
  5. The Instructor may require the student to submit documentation of the circumstances leading to the request for an incomplete grade.
  6. Both the Instructor and student should acknowledge in writing the amount of coursework remaining and the terms under which the missing work is to be completed.
  7. Copies of the Incomplete Grade Contract, related documentation, and emails, if applicable, must be submitted to the student, Chair, and Registrar & Admissions Office. This is necessary in case of circumstances requiring another Instructor to oversee completion of the coursework.
  8. An “I” grade is neutral and will not affect a student’s grade point average.
  9. Students may not remove an “I” grade from the MSC transcript by taking the course from another college.
  10. Students may not repeat the course at MSC to remove an incomplete grade. Repeating a course implies the student has not already completed at least 70% of the coursework.  Students may not sit in an entire course to complete an “I” grade.  They may, however, sit in on small portions of the course where student participation is required to make up the work.
  11. It is not appropriate to assign an incomplete grade and give the student additional assignments to help raise his/her grade.
  12. Instructors may not assign an incomplete grade to an international student without obtaining permission from the Registrar.

An incomplete grade contract can be found on MSC forms.




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