
44 Sexual Harassment/Sexual Relationships

For Complete details on these areas, refer to the MSC Policies and Procedures Manual.

Murray State College prohibits sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual acts, and sexual offenses considered to be sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct often overlaps with crimes of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. All members of the College community have an obligation to promote an environment that is free of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, interpersonal relationship violence, sex/gender-based stalking, and sexual harassment. MSC in compliance with Title IX publishes a notice of nondiscrimination, designated a Title IX Coordinator, and adopted and published grievance procedures as preventative measures against harassment.

Staff/Student Relationships: Romantic or sexual relationships between staff and students are strongly discouraged, and, in cases where the staff member has authority or control over the student, prohibited. A staff member who fails to withdraw from participation in activities or decisions that may reward or penalize a student with whom the staff member has or has had a romantic or sexual relationship will be deemed to have violated their ethical obligation to the student, or other students, to colleagues, and to the College. In situations where such a dynamic is unavoidable, please report it to the immediate supervisor.


To report Title IX grievances please complete the form  found on the MSC website.


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