
45 Security and Safety

Security and Safety

Faculty should add the Campus Shield App to their smartphone to receive emergency notifications from MSC.

The most efficient way to contact the MSC Campus Police is to call 580-387-7311 or 311 if calling from a campus phone. If the situation is considered dangerous to people or property, call 911 immediately and then notify Campus Police located in Aggie Suites on the Tishomingo Campus and Room 152 on the Ardmore Campus.

It is the responsibility of faculty to instruct students in the safe use of equipment.  When laboratories and classrooms are open, the instructor is responsible for supervising student use of facilities.  Laboratories and chemical storage rooms/cabinets should be kept locked when not supervised.



In the event an employee has an accident that necessitates a physician’s care while at work or off-campus but on college business, Campus Police must be notified immediately. Campus Police will complete an Incident Report Form and provide it to Human Resources within 24 hours.

If a physician’s care is required at a later date, the employee must then notify the Human Resources Office and provide information for the workers’ compensation claim.


All employees should become familiar with the location of the fire safety devices within their immediate work area. These devices include:

  • Emergency fire exits
  • Manual fire alarm stations
  • Fire extinguishers

If a fire is detected in the area, please do the following:

  • Activate the manual alarm system
  • Call 911 and/or Activate Campus Shield to report the location of the fire
  • If the situation is severe, evacuate the area immediately
  • If the situation permits, attempt to control the fire with a fire extinguisher
  • If the fire alarm sounds without a notification of a test, please do the following:
    • Direct any student or visitors in the immediate area to the nearest fire exit to evacuate the building immediately and move to an area away from the exits and fire lanes
    • Everyone will be notified by the administration when it is safe to enter the building.


In the event that classes must be dismissed, instructors should explain the nature of the dismissal to students. If the emergency dictates taking immediate shelter, directions to the closest shelter should be given.


When inclement weather conditions warrant a change in class starting times or a cancellation of classes, the area television, and radio stations can be expected to report the information.

If daytime classes are to be canceled or scheduled to start later than the scheduled time, the following will take place:

  • The media will be contacted by 6:30 AM
  • A message will be posted to the MSC Homepage (mscok.edu)
  • An announcement will be provided on the campus’s main phone line
  • Campus Shield announcement will be provided via phone, email,  and text

If evening classes are to be canceled, the following will take place:

  • The media will be contacted by 3:30 PM
  • A message will be posted to the MSC Homepage (mscok.edu)
  • Campus Shield announcement will be provided via phone, email,  and text

An announcement will be provided on the campus switchboard


Murray State College Faculty Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Murray State College Academic Affairs. All Rights Reserved.