
7 MSC Faculty Assembly

Please refer to the MSC Policies and Procedures Manual for the latest information regarding the Faculty Assembly.

Murray State College
Faculty Assembly By-Laws

Article I. Assembly Membership
Section 1.01 Membership shall consist of all full-time faculty employed at Murray State College.  Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by a majority vote of the Assembly.
Section 1.02 Part-time/adjunct faculty may attend faculty assembly meetings but will be non-voting.
Section 1.03 The Assembly Chair, at the beginning of each school year, will obtain from the President’s Office, an updated list of full-time MSC faculty for the purpose of determining Faculty Assembly membership.
Section 1.04 The Assembly membership present at a regularly scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum for doing business.

Article II. Elections and Voting Methods
Section 2.01 The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the Faculty Assembly shall be elected annually at the April meeting to serve the following year. (NOTE: To be qualified for office, the Chair and Vice-Chair shall have been full-time MSC faculty at least two years prior to taking office.)
Section 2.02 Assembly officers may be removed by a majority vote of the Assembly if that action item has been placed on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 2.03 The Assembly may hold elections to replace any vacancies in office.
Section 2.04 Assembly voting methods will be at the Chair’s discretion with the Assembly’s approval.

Article III. Meetings
Section 3.01 Assembly meetings may be called by the elected Assembly Chair, or in his/her absence, the assembly Vice-Chair or, in the absence of the Chair and Vice-chair, the Secretary.
Section 3.02 Faculty Assembly meetings should be scheduled at times to allow maximum attendance of assembly members.
Section 3.03 The assembly Chair shall develop the agenda, or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair. Those agendas need to be forwarded in a timely manner to the Assembly Secretary to be distributed to the assembly membership.
Section 3.04 Any full-time Assembly member may request that an item be placed on the agenda. Such requests must be made in time to allow agenda distribution at least twenty-four hours prior to a meeting.
Section 3.05 All regular meetings’ agendas should be distributed to Assembly members at least twenty-four hours in advance.
Section 3.06 Emergency meetings may be called by the Assembly Chair if assembly members are notified.
Section 3.07 The Assembly Secretary shall circulate agendas prior to assembly meetings, check attendance at meetings, determine eligible voters, record assembly votes and procedures, and distribute minutes to Assembly members prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 3.08 The assembly Chair shall conduct all Assembly meetings, or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair.
Section 3.09 Any Assembly member may speak on any agenda topic, after being recognized by the Assembly Chair.
Section 3.10 The Assembly can adopt policies, or agree upon time limits, for any speaker’s presentation.
Section 3.11 Any Assembly member who is disruptive or speaks without being recognized may be asked to leave the Assembly by the Assembly Moderator.

Article IV. Committees
Section 4.01 The Assembly Chair can create special committees, or sub-committees, and can appoint Assembly members to those committees.

Article V. Procedures and Functions
Section 5.01 The Assembly may adopt by-laws for its orderly operation and function.
Section 5.02 The Assembly, after due deliberation, may adopt resolutions and recommendations and request that the Assembly Chair forward those documents to the appropriate entity.
Section 5.03 Items not on the agenda may not be voted upon.
Section 5.04 The Assembly Chair shall be the assembly spokesman and represent the assembly at Presidential Advisory Committee and MSC Board meetings and other professional meetings such as the OSRHE annual Faculty Assembly.
Section 5.05 Copies of the agendas and approved minutes of the Assembly meetings will be distributed by the Assembly Secretary to the President’s Advisory Committee, to the Chairs of the Staff Assembly, and to Human Resources for upload into commons.




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