
35 American with Disabilities Act

As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, any disabled student, employee, or applicant must be provided with “reasonable accommodation” if the individual requests such accommodation.  Any accommodation request made to any instructor or other agent of the college must be considered.  Academic Advisement staff will complete an ADA Accommodations and Responsibilities Form and forward it to the student’s instructors.  Any MSC employee with a disability that falls within the ADA guidelines should visit with the ADA Compliance Officer regarding job accommodation requests. Additional information can be found in the Student Handbook.

Faculty responsibilities include:

  • comply with the accommodation requests sent by the ADA Compliance Officer or designee.
  • plan ahead with necessary materials for a student with a disability enrolled in their class.
  • communicate with the student about their approved accommodations.
  • treat all persons with respect and normalize the classroom environment.
  •  using universal design and multiple teaching methods when working with students.

NOTE:  Under ADA, any agent of the college can be sued individually if they discriminate against students, employees, or applicants.


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