
Message to Instructors

Sarah Wangler and Tina Ulrich

We set out to create this anthology to provide a free and open resource to composition instructors and students, full of essays that could supplement OER rhetoric and writing texts that lacked readings. Over time, however, we came to see that this anthology, and its editors, subscribe to the notion, presented by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in her 2009 TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story” (included in this book), that “we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story… we regain a kind of paradise.” That is, this anthology is designed to work for as many different rhetorical situations as college writing students might find themselves in.

All of the essays in this reader are versatile rhetorically and thematically; they’re impossible to pigeon-hole, and we wouldn’t want to. Instead, this anthology is set up alphabetically by author name. Each essay has a series of hashtags we think apply to the essay in some way. You can search for essays thematically that relate to topics like education, the environment, politics, health, heroes, etc.. You can also search for essays based on whether we see them as displaying composition concepts like analysis, synthesis, and research. You can search for essays that are based on shared values, essays that rely heavily on ethos, logos, or pathos, essays that are very kairos-dependent, and even essays that are scholarly.

Complete list of hashtags
#advice #analysis #argument #artsandculture #automotive #business #causalargument #civilrights #cognitivebias #currentevents #descriptive #disinformation #environment #ethos #finances #generations #global #health #heroes #intellectualproperty #kairos #language #logos #millennials #nature #pathos #politics #proposalargument #reportinginformation #research #review #scholarly #science #selfdiscovery #sharedvalues #systemanalysis #technology #writinglife
Thank you for considering and using this book, and please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions or suggestions for future editions.
–Sarah Wangler

About the authors


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Message to Instructors Copyright © by Sarah Wangler and Tina Ulrich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.