

Composition 2: Research and Writing was created with the intention of providing a free, comprehensive Composition 2 textbook to the students of Connors State College in Oklahoma. This textbook is a compilation of several OER textbooks and resources with edits, revisions, and additions provided by Brittany Seay. This textbook would not have been possible without the hard work and generosity of scholars who decided to not only create a textbook but were then willing to allow others to use and remix their work. The idea of providing free learning material is a noble cause and the scholars represented within this text should be applauded and appreciated for setting aside their time and money to provide learning materials for students around the globe as well as creating solid foundations for other teachers and schools to build on. So, thank you from all of us here at Connors State College.[1]

  1. This project was supported by the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO), Connors State College, and The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE)