
21 Three Point Thesis Statement for Descriptive Essay

Kristin D Shelby

When writing a descriptive essay, you are trying to describe something whether it is a person, place, thing, event, historical or scientific explanation, a feeling, mood, a book, or anything else.  Using the three-point thesis essay format, when you write, the purpose trying to make the reader (usually your teacher), see it or experience it the way you do.  Think about how something looks, feels, tastes, sounds and so on.  Use as much detail as you can in your essay.

Most essays are about 2 full pages and at least five paragraphs- meeting the Three-Point Thesis Essay format:

  1. the introduction- your primary thesis
  2. three body paragraphs
  3. a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your paper


The introduction should contain your thesis statement as the last sentence of the paragraph.  What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement declares what you think, believe, or intend to describe and write about. A good thesis will help you focus your paper. It should be three points.  Here is an example:

My favorite childhood memory is Christmas because of the gifts, food, and family.  **You can see that Christmas is the writer’s favorite memory because of the gifts, food, and family (which is the three-point thesis). 

A thesis statement can sometimes be difficult to write.  Here is a way to make it simple.

Write what your paper is about and list three things to support it.  The thesis statement needs to be in the middle, or at the end of your introduction.  Each of the three things you write in your thesis statement will then become the topics for your three body paragraphs in your paper.


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