Below is a student example narrative essay:

The Journey

A time in my life where I had to grow up, was when I traveled to Texas. When I was thirteen, about to turn fourteen, I remember leaving Brooklyn New York, and heading to Amarillo, Texas. I felt so nervous and afraid at the same time. I was not accustomed to traveling out of New York, I was born and raised in the “Big Apple.” My grandma has always been there for me, but now I was leaving her. I was going to Amarillo, Texas to a better life at Boys Ranch. The journey was dissimilar, but worth it in the long run. Boys Ranch changed me and made me who I am today.

Traveling to Boys Ranch was really intimidating at first! I could remember leaving the airplane and witnessing all different kinds of folks who dressed and talked very differently, than the ones from New York. Moving to Texas really got to me, but knowing I would stay for five years made it even worse. While I was at Boys Ranch, I started to develop resentment towards my mother. I began to feel like she put me out here deliberately.

Accepting the fact of why I came to Boys Ranch took me a while. I went through a lot of trials, including fighting, getting suspended, and burning bridges between people. It really took me a long time to figure out how to accept the fact of why I’m here and controlling myself. The people at Boys Ranch were always there for me, and still, continue to be. The change was hectic, but gradually I started to realize and accept the fact of why I am here and making the best out of my surroundings.

The effort was worth it and the time being there was beneficial for me. I made everyone proud, including my grandma and aunts. Being born and raised in Brooklyn, a lot of people did not think I would make it. Nevertheless, I graduated high school. When you are surrounded by bad influences, people belittle you, but now I’m on the road to gain massive success. I am still here to make my family and the people around me proud.

My conclusion is realizing that everything happens for a reason. God sent me to Boys Ranch for a reason and was telling me to change my life. Was it hard leaving my family? Yes, was it hard not coming home to the same house I was born and raised? Yes, but It made me who I am today. I regret not being with my grandmother for my high school and college years, but I did what people said I wasn’t going to do. I understood what God wanted of me, and now I’m trying to become massively successful.