
9 Meetings

Policy Statement (Board Approval Date:  03/22/11)

The Board abides by the provisions of the Open Meeting Law and the Open Records Act of Oklahoma.


The Board will hold regular meetings, and the dates will be set annually upon the majority vote of the Board.  Special meetings may be called by the Board Chair, when necessary, or by any four members of the Board.

  1. An executive session of the Board can occur only on a majority vote of a quorum of the members present, and the vote is a recorded vote. (25 OS Sec. 301-314, as amended May 1993)
  2. Four members constitute a quorum to transact business.
  3. All motions and amendments to motions require a second before being voted upon.
  4. Each Board member votes aye, nay, or abstains on each motion made and seconded, and the chair declares the motion passed or failed following a roll-call vote. When voting to determine whether the Board will have an executive session, there will be a roll-call vote.  Any Board member may request a roll-call vote on any action item on the agenda.
  5. When issues of parliamentary procedure arise not specifically in Board policy, current Roberts Rules of Order dictate procedure.
  6. Record-keeping responsibilities for Board meetings and actions are arranged by the President’s Office.


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