
111 Compliments Campaign


The purpose of this Compliments Procedure is to ensure that compliments received from service users, staff, students and partner bodies are properly recorded, acknowledged (where appropriate) and conveyed to the individuals being thanked and to all other staff. Compliments will be regularly analyzed so that areas for improvement and potential good practice can be identified and used to promote best practice.  Compliments and expressions of appreciation are valuable in monitoring the effectiveness of the service being offered by the Institution and can provide useful learning points and examples of good practice which can be shared throughout the organization to encourage staff to continue to provide and improve on excellent skills and customer service.  Murray State College is committed to providing the best possible service that it can by encouraging positive feedback from our customers, students and staff. We have developed this policy to explain our approach to handling compliments.

A compliment is an expression of satisfaction with a service made by an individual about the service received from the College staff. A compliment may be made regarding an individual, a team or the College as a whole.  The compliment can be from any individual who engages a service or is in receipt of a service from the College.

An individual wishing to make a compliment can do so either:

  1. In person
  2. By phone
  3. By letter
  4. By completing the compliments form

The compliment will then be passed on to the relevant member of staff who will then in turn provide written notice to the President, distribute a lanyard with the appropriate level pin.  A punch card will be given along with the lanyard and pin.  At the time an employee receives three (3) compliments, the punch card will be entered into a drawing bi-annually.

Employee of the Month Award Procedures


The purpose of the Employee of the Month (EOM) Award is to recognize outstanding accomplishments and/or service by classified staff employees of Murray State College.  All employees of Murray State College are eligible to participate. The Murray State College Leadership Team will oversee the selection process.

Benefits of receiving award

  • An Employee of the Month Parking Spot.
  • An Employee of the Month Recognition Certificate.
  • Award notification printed in various media.

Nomination Process

Nominations will be submitted when a staff member is given a compliment from the compliment campaign.  Every individual receiving a compliment from the previous month will be placed on a nomination form to be distributed on the last Monday of the month for the leadership team to select an individual.

Forms must be properly filled out and submitted by the stated deadline to the Executive Assistant to the President/Board of Regents or they will not be accepted. Three (3) days will be allowed for receipt of nominations.  The nominee’s accomplishments or service should be specific and/or unique and should occur in the course of performance of the employee’s regular duties or in the course of participation in any college‐sponsored event. Nominations and additional support documentation will be accepted from supervisors, co‐workers, students, or anyone who has regular contact with the nominee. Supervisory approval is encouraged but is not a requirement.

Selection Process

The Executive Assistant to the President/Board of Regents notifies the President, Human Resources Director and the Vice President/Assistant Vice President of the department the employee directly works under. Personnel files will be checked by the Director of Human Resources to assure that no current formal documentation exists in the file that could disqualify the recipient; for example, letters of reprimand or formal warnings. Human Resources will notify the Executive Assistant to the President of eligibility and address any questions regarding ineligibility. An ineligible nominee will be withdrawn from the EOM process.

Executive Assistant to the President is responsible for consolidating the award nomination information and getting the information to the Leadership Team members for review. Documentation will be sent in the nomination packets explaining the selection process.  All nomination forms and supporting documents must be reviewed each member of the Leadership Team. Confidentiality will be stressed.

Announcement Process

The President will prepare a media release to send to all campus employees announcing the EOM winner each month. A media release and certificates are prepared and sent to the Executive Assistant to the Murray State College President who makes arrangements for a personal presentation of the award by the President.   The President’s Executive Assistant will prepare and mail to the recipient an award letter accompanied by a photo/information release form.  A copy of the notification letter will also be sent to the Human Resource office for placement in the recipient’s personnel file.  Records of the EOM nominations and awards will be kept by the President’s Office for a period of One (1) year to coincide.  All procedures are subject to annual review by Murray State College

Selection Committee Scoring Information

The purpose of the EOM award is to recognize outstanding accomplishments and/or service by classified staff employees of Murray State College. Nominees should be commendable and serve as an example to others. Qualities of previous winners include:

  • Active participation in college sponsored events
  • Going the extra mile in their work position
  • Displaying a positive attitude
  • Volunteering when a need arises


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