
Reflection Essay

Composition II (ENGL 1213): Reflection Essay

For the final writing assignment in the course, you will choose two course outcomes and demonstrate what you have learned, using your previous assignments as your evidence and examples.

Essay Requirements:

Compose an evaluation of your writing, using two of the course outcomes listed in the syllabus

     Construct academic arguments using sound claims and appropriate evidence

     Analyze college-level readings

     Select appropriate and varied sources for college research

     Evaluate the effectiveness of arguments by other scholars

          Synthesize ideas of other scholars

          Use information reliably and persuasively

          Apply the principles of evidence-based research processes and methodologies

          Formulate a writing process that includes planning, drafting, revising, and editing

Include a contextualizing introduction paragraph and a summary conclusion paragraph

Have an evaluation thesis statement (two points) with body paragraphs that align with the thesis and that are appropriately developed (at least 5-6 sentences per paragraph).

            Thesis statements should identify at least two course outcomes

Discuss each course outcome and include evidence, examples, and/or support for each point. Use at least two different examples from your previous writing assignments as evidence of progress toward or achievement of each outcome

Begin body paragraphs with topic sentences that include transition words or phrases

No sources required, but additional sources are allowed, as long as they are documented appropriately using APA format

Use correct grammar and mechanics, as well as vocabulary appropriate for a college-level assignment

❗Essays should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman 12pt

Assignment Context and Outcomes: Assignment designed to

Construct academic arguments using sound claims and appropriate evidence,

Select appropriate and varied sources for college research,

Use information reliably and persuasively, and

Continue formulating a writing process that includes planning, drafting, revising, and editing.

Reflection Essay Rubric

1-5 Points

6-7 Points

8-9 Points

10 Points


Introduction not present

Introduction present, underdeveloped

Introduction present, appropriately developed, does not contain sufficient contextual information

Introduction present, appropriately developed, containing thorough contextual information

Thesis Statement

Thesis statement not present

Thesis statement present, only one outcome included

Thesis statement present, with two outcomes included

Body Paragraph Alignment

Body paragraphs do not align with thesis statement

Body paragraphs align with thesis statement

Body Paragraph Development

Body paragraphs significantly underdeveloped (1-2 sentences)

Body paragraphs underdeveloped (3-4 sentences)

Body paragraphs appropriately developed (5-6 sentences)

Body paragraphs appropriately developed, including comprehensive or thoughtful detail


Source Support

Evidence/source support not present for any outcome

Evidence/source support present for one outcome

Evidence/source support present for two outcomes

Evidence/source support present for at two outcomes, thoughtfully integrated


Topic Sentences

Transitions/topic sentences not present

Transitions/topic sentences present in at least one body paragraph

Transitions/topic sentences present in at least two body paragraphs

Transitions/topic sentences present in all body paragraphs


Conclusion not present

Conclusion present, underdeveloped

Conclusion present, appropriately developed

Conclusion present, appropriately developed, including comprehensive or thoughtful detail


Fewer than two specific examples from student writing present

At least two specific examples from student writing present

At least three specific examples from student writing present

At least four specific examples from student writing present


No attempt at APA format

Attempt at APA format, pervasive errors

Attempt at APA format, minor errors

Attempt at APA format, very minor errors




Pervasive errors or inappropriate vocabulary

Minor errors

Very minor errors

Sample Reflection Essay Outline

Introduction that ends with a thesis statement with two points (two course outcomes)

Body paragraph #1 (supports first course outcome and includes evidence from one of your writing assignments)

Body paragraph #2 (supports the first course outcome and includes evidence from another of your writing assignments, ideally to show progress or achievement of the outcome)

Body paragraph #3 (supports the second course outcome and includes evidence from one of your writing assignments)

Body paragraph #4 (supports the second course outcome and includes evidence from another of your writing assignments, ideally to show progress or achievement of the outcome)

Conclusion that restates the argument and summarizes your points

*You can use evidence from one writing assignment for each outcome, but you cannot use the same writing assignment in both paragraphs for that outcome. For example, you could use your Argument Analysis as evidence in paragraph #1 and paragraph #3, but not in paragraph #1 and paragraph #2. You will want to show development or progress, so it would make sense to use an earlier assignment as evidence in paragraph #1 and then a later assignment as evidence in paragraph #2.

*If you use the same writing assignment for each outcome, make sure to use a different part of that assignment as your evidence.

*You are not limited to using longer assignments as evidence. Feel free to use any writing we did in the course as evidence.