
28 APA Style

APA Style

Additional Resource

  • APA Format PowerPoint, available in Blackboard

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Figure 1. The APA 7th Edition Publication Manual cover.

The APA Style is spelled out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, but the APA also maintains its own website with multiple examples of how to format your paper and cite your sources. If you’re unable to find the answer to your question here, check the APA Manual 7th edition or the APA website. Be sure to check with your instructor to determine what the expectations are for your paper.

Papers for this course should be constructed according to APA guidelines and should include the following elements:

  • Title Page
  • Body
  • References

Each of these elements should begin on a separate page.

The APA style demo in this section will provide you with more information regarding APA basic formatting, in-text citations, and the references list.


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