
Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Composition I (ENGL 1113): Rhetorical Analysis


In this course, we have been reading about TOPIC, a current issue of individual, local, and national importance. For the first major writing assignment in the course, you will choose one of our classroom readings to analyze:

Reading #1

Reading #2

Reading #3

Reading #4

Reading #5

Reading #6



Essay Requirements:

Compose a rhetorical analysis on one of the class readings, including at least a paragraph of discussion of each part of SPAACE:

Summary of the text

Purpose(s) of the text

Audience(s) for the text

Appeals in the text

Context for the text

Effectiveness of the text

Discuss at least two of the three rhetorical appeals, providing a specific example from the text for each appeal

Appropriately develop each paragraph, at least 5-6 sentences in each

Cite and reference the reading using APA format

Additional sources allowed, as long as they are documented appropriately using APA format

Use correct grammar and mechanics, as well as vocabulary appropriate for a college-

level assignment

❗Essays should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman 12pt


Unit Context and Outcomes: Unit designed to

Practice critical reading of sources and summarize college-level readings,

Analyze the audience, purpose, and rhetorical strategies used by others,

Evaluate the effectiveness of an argument,

Integrate evidence from sources through the use of quotations, paraphrasing, and summarizing,

Begin to document sources using APA format, and

Formulate a writing process that culminates in a coherent, organized essay.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Rubric


1-5 Points

6-7 Points

8-9 Points

10 Points


Class reading not used


Class reading used


Summary not present or incorrect

Summary present, underdeveloped

Summary present, appropriately developed, does not contain all major points of the reading

Summary present, appropriately developed, containing all major points of the reading


Purpose not present or incorrect

Purpose present, underdeveloped

Purpose present, appropriately developed

Purpose present, appropriately developed, including comprehensive or thoughtful detail


Audience not present or incorrect

Audience present, underdeveloped

Audience present, appropriately developed

Audience present, appropriately developed, including comprehensive or thoughtful detail

Appeal 1

Appeal not present or incorrect

Appeal present, underdeveloped or does not include a specific example from the text

Appeal present, appropriately developed and including a specific example from the text

Appeal present, appropriately developed, including a specific example from the text, explaining how the example illustrates the appeal

Appeal 2

Appeal not present or incorrect

Appeal present, underdeveloped or does not include a specific example from the text

Appeal present, appropriately developed and including a specific example from the text

Appeal present, appropriately developed, including a specific example from the text, explaining how the example illustrates the appeal


Context not present or incorrect

Context present, underdeveloped

Context present, appropriately developed

Context present, appropriately developed, including comprehensive or thoughtful detail


Effectiveness not present

Effectiveness present, underdeveloped

Effectiveness present, appropriately developed

Effectiveness present, appropriately developed, containing all major points of the analysis


No attempt at APA format

Attempt at APA format, pervasive errors

Attempt at APA format, minor errors

Attempt at APA format, very minor errors



Pervasive errors or inappropriate vocabulary

Minor errors

Very minor errors