
What this Book will Cover

This book acknowledges the changing information landscape, covering key concepts in information literacy to support a research process with intention.

We start by critically examining the online environment many of us already engage with every day, looking at the types of information sources to determine the credibility and reliability of said information utilizing author qualifications, Four Moves and a Habit, and the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) test.

Then, we explore bias, information disorder, and fact-checking, as well as ethical and legal use of information and why we cite.

Throughout the book, there will be knowledge checks, with a comprehensive quiz at the end to receive a certificate.



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East Central University - Information Literacy Defined Copyright © 2021 by Shawna Bishop; Haley Monroe; and Brandi Schur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.