
Contributing to the Conversation

As a college student, whenever you complete an academic assignment, be it a research paper, a speech, or any other assignment in which you gather and synthesize information on a topic, you are participating in what is called a scholarly conversation.

The term scholarly conversation describes the existing body of knowledge about a topic. This body of knowledge may include published books, presentations, research articles, conferences, discussions, online resources, and more. Your assignments are a way to add your own voice to the scholarly conversation—by reviewing what research has been done, drawing connections and conclusions from published information, and adding your own experiences, opinions, and ideas about what previous research has shown.





This section includes material from the source book, The Insiders Information Literacy for Okies Everywhere, as well as the following:

Inform Your Thinking: Episode 1 – Reseach is a Conversation.” YouTube, uploaded by OkStateLibrary, 18 May 2016. Licensed under CC Y 4.0.





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East Central University - Information Literacy Defined Copyright © 2021 by Shawna Bishop; Haley Monroe; and Brandi Schur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.