7 Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models

Learning Objectives

  • Define “prompt engineering” and how it applies to improving large language model (LLM) outputs.
  • Create effective prompts and prompt follow-ups in a variety of situations to get useful information from an LLM.
  • Describe different prompt techniques and explain when these techniques would be best used.
  • Use “perspective prompts” and “opposing viewpoint prompts” to explore different sides of an issue.
  • Use prompt formatting to create lists, tables, code, and graphics outputs from an LLM.

Prompt Engineering: Crafting Instructions for Effective AI Interaction

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering involves formulating precise and contextually relevant instructions or prompts when interacting with AI models, especially those based on large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3. It plays a crucial role in guiding the model’s responses and ensuring that the output aligns with the user’s intent. The quality and specificity of the prompt significantly influence the output generated by the AI model.

Why is Prompt Engineering Important?

Prompt engineering is essential for several reasons:

  • Context Guidance: AI models lack true understanding and context comprehension. Effective prompts guide the model by providing the necessary context, ensuring that the generated output is relevant and aligned with the user’s expectations.
  • Control Over Output: Well-crafted prompts allow users to exert a degree of control over the output. They influence the model’s behavior and guide it toward producing desired results, whether it’s generating creative content, providing information, or answering questions.
  • Mitigating Bias and Unintended Outputs: Carefully engineered prompts help mitigate biases and reduce the likelihood of generating unintended or inappropriate content. By being specific and clear, users can steer the model away from undesired outputs.
  • Optimizing for Task Accuracy: For prompt-based tasks, effective prompt engineering can enhance the model’s accuracy and performance. It helps tailor the instructions to the task at hand, enabling the AI to generate more relevant and useful responses.

Best Practices for Effective Prompt Engineering:

  • Clarity and Specificity:
    • Clearly articulate the desired outcome.
    • Be specific in your instructions to avoid ambiguity.
    • Include details or parameters relevant to the task.
  • Context Inclusion:
    • Provide context or background information when necessary.
    • Reference relevant details that the model should consider.
    • Consider preceding prompts to maintain context in multi-turn interactions.
  • Positive and Negative Examples:
    • Include positive examples of the desired output.
    • Include negative examples to guide the model away from undesired outputs.
    • Use contrasting examples to emphasize specific requirements.
  • Iterative Refinement:
    • Experiment with different variations of prompts.
    • Iterate based on model responses to fine-tune instructions.
    • Test and adjust prompts to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Task Definition:
    • Clearly define the task or objective in the prompt.
    • Specify the format or structure expected in the response.
    • Use language that aligns with the nature of the task (e.g., instructive for instructions, creative for generating content).
  • Prompt Length:
    • Keep prompts concise and focused.
    • Avoid overly lengthy or convoluted instructions.
    • Balance brevity with providing sufficient information.
  • Explore System Capabilities:
    • Understand the capabilities and limitations of the AI model.
    • Experiment with different prompts to leverage the model’s strengths.
    • Consider the model’s knowledge and expertise in various domains.
  • Evaluate and Adjust:
    • Regularly evaluate model outputs based on prompt variations.
    • Adjust prompts based on observed model behavior.
    • Seek user feedback to enhance prompt effectiveness.

By following these best practices, prompt engineering becomes a strategic tool for users to harness the capabilities of AI models effectively. Whether the goal is information retrieval, creative content generation, or problem-solving, thoughtful and well-crafted prompts significantly contribute to achieving desired outcomes while maintaining control over the AI’s responses.

Examples of effectively engineered prompts

  1. Creative Writing Prompt
    • Prompt: “Generate a short story about an unexpected friendship between a human and an alien on a journey through a distant galaxy.”
    • Explanation: This prompt is effective because it provides a clear task (generate a short story), includes specific details (unexpected friendship, human and alien characters, distant galaxy), and sets the tone for a creative narrative. It guides the model towards producing imaginative and contextually rich content.
  2. Information Retrieval Prompt
    • Prompt: “Retrieve key facts about the Apollo 11 moon landing, including the date, astronauts involved, and major milestones.”
    • Explanation: This prompt is well-engineered for information retrieval. It defines the task clearly, specifies the information required (date, astronauts, milestones), and guides the model to generate a concise and accurate response focused on the Apollo 11 moon landing.
  3. Code Generation Prompt
    • Prompt: “Write a Python function that calculates the Fibonacci sequence up to the nth term.”
    • Explanation: For code generation tasks, this prompt is effective. It defines the programming language (Python), specifies the task (calculate Fibonacci sequence), and includes a parameter (nth term). This clarity helps the model generate code that meets the specific requirements.
  4. Comparative Analysis Prompt
    • Prompt: “Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.”
    • Explanation: This prompt is well-structured for a comparative analysis. It clearly defines the task of comparing and contrasting, specifies the subjects (solar and wind power), and indicates the focus on advantages and disadvantages. This helps guide the model to provide a thoughtful analysis.
  5. Argumentative Essay Prompt
    • Prompt: “Compose an argumentative essay discussing the impact of technology on privacy rights in the digital age. Provide evidence supporting both sides of the argument and present your perspective.”
    • Explanation: This prompt is comprehensive for an argumentative essay. It outlines the specific task (compose an argumentative essay), defines the topic (impact of technology on privacy rights), and instructs the model to consider and present evidence for both sides of the argument, ensuring a balanced response.
  6. Poetry Prompt
    • Prompt: “Craft a haiku that captures the essence of a serene sunset over a tranquil lake.”
    • Explanation: This poetry prompt is effective as it sets a specific form (haiku), provides a vivid scene (serene sunset, tranquil lake), and guides the model to capture the essence, encouraging the creation of evocative and concise poetic content.
  7. Translation Prompt
    • Prompt: “Translate the following English sentence into French: ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'”
    • Explanation: For translation tasks, this prompt is well-engineered. It clearly defines the source language (English), provides the specific sentence to be translated, and specifies the target language (French), ensuring a precise and accurate translation.

In each of these examples, effective prompts are characterized by clarity, specificity, and a well-defined task. They guide the model by providing the necessary context and instructions, resulting in output that aligns with the user’s intent for various tasks and domains.

Prompt Priming

Prompt priming involves providing an initial set of instructions or context to guide the behavior of a language model. This technique can be used to elicit responses from the model that align with a specific theme or style. Here are two examples of prompts that use effective priming:

  1. Creative Writing Priming:
    • Prompt: “You are a futuristic detective in a cyberpunk city. Describe the scene as you walk through the neon-lit streets at midnight, solving a mysterious case.”
    • Priming: The initial instruction sets the context for a creative writing task in the cyberpunk genre. It primes the model to generate responses consistent with the theme of a futuristic detective story, encouraging imaginative and descriptive language.
  2. Formal vs. Casual Language Priming:
    • Prompt: “Write a response to a customer asking about a product delay.”
    • Priming: “Write a response to a customer asking about a product delay using a formal and professional tone.”
    • Priming: “Write a response to a customer asking about a product delay using a casual and friendly tone.”
    • Priming: In this example, priming is used by providing specific instructions on the desired tone—either formal and professional or casual and friendly. The prompt primes the model to generate responses that align with the specified communication style.

Priming is a powerful tool to guide the language model’s output, allowing users to customize the generated content based on specific requirements or preferences. It helps to fine-tune the model’s responses for a more controlled and tailored interaction.

Prompts with follow-up

Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the context provided to them, including the context from the initial prompt. The context helps these models maintain coherence and relevance throughout a conversation, enabling them to generate responses that align with the topic or task at hand.  Here are examples of simple prompts and follow-up prompts to narrow the context and elicit more specific information from the LLM.

  1. Creative Writing:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Describe a peaceful morning by the ocean.”
    • Follow-up Prompt: “Expand on the character’s emotions during that peaceful morning. How did the surroundings influence their mood?”
  2.  Goal Setting:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Outline three small goals you can achieve today.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “Which goal do you consider the most challenging? What steps can you take to overcome potential obstacles?”
  3.  Problem Solving:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Suggest three potential solutions for {a common problem you’re facing}.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “Choose one of the suggested solutions. How would you implement it, and what potential outcomes do you foresee?”
  4.  New Hobby Ideas:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Explore and jot down three new hobbies I might like to try.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “Select one hobby from your list. What steps can I take today to start exploring or trying it out?”
  5.  Business Strategy:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Outline a unique selling point for {your business idea}.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “How can I communicate this unique selling point to your target audience? What makes it stand out in your industry?”
  6.  Brainstorming Session:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Generate five creative names for {a new project or initiative}.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “Choose one of the creative names. How does it resonate with the essence of your project or initiative?”
  7.   Fitness Motivation:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Design a quick and energizing 10-minute workout routine.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “For each exercise in your routine, explain how it contributes to your overall well-being and fitness goals.”
  8.   Cooking Inspiration:  
    • Simple Prompt:  “Plan a simple and healthy meal for dinner tonight.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “Provide a detailed recipe for the planned dinner.”
  9. Learning Goals:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Name two new skills it would be valuable for me to learn in the next month.”
    • Follow-up Prompt: “What resources or courses can I explore to start learning {this skill}?”
  10. Motivational Quotes:
    • Simple Prompt:  “Create a motivational quote to boost my spirits.”
    • Follow-up Prompt:  “Explain the personal significance of the motivational quote. How does it relate to {a current goals or challenge of mine}?”

“Ask Before prompting” technique

The “ask before prompting” technique involves initiating a conversation with a Large Language Model (LLM) by first asking it to clarify or seek more information before providing a direct prompt. This method aims to ensure that the model understands the user’s intent more accurately and produces responses that align closely with the user’s expectations.


User: “Can you provide insights into recent advancements in artificial intelligence?  Please ask me any clarifying questions for information you need to provide a better answer.”
LLM: “Certainly! Before I proceed, could you specify any particular area within artificial intelligence you’re interested in, such as natural language processing, computer vision, or machine learning?”

In this example, the user begins with a broad question about recent advancements in artificial intelligence. The LLM responds by seeking clarification on the specific area of interest within AI. The user can then provide more details or specify their focus, allowing the LLM to generate a more targeted and relevant response.

This technique helps to avoid potential misunderstandings or vague responses by encouraging the user to set the context or narrow down the topic before providing a direct prompt. By clarifying the user’s intent early in the conversation, the LLM can better tailor its subsequent responses, resulting in a more effective and focused interaction.

Perspective Prompts

If you want to explore an issue from multiple perspectives, you can structure prompts to encourage the model to provide insights from different angles. Here are example prompts to help assess an issue from various perspectives:

  1. General Exploration“Examine the issue of [insert issue] from different viewpoints. Provide insights into the various perspectives surrounding this topic.”
  2. Stakeholder Perspectives:  “Consider the issue through the eyes of different stakeholders involved. How might individuals with different interests or roles perceive this situation?”
  3. Historical Context:  “Explore the historical context of [insert issue]. How has the historical background influenced current perspectives on this matter?”
  4. Cultural Lens:  “Examine the issue within various cultural contexts. How do different cultures interpret or address this matter, and what cultural factors play a role?”
  5. Economic Considerations“Analyze the economic implications of [insert issue]. How do economic factors contribute to differing opinions or solutions?”
  6. Ethical Dimensions:  “Delve into the ethical aspects of the issue. What ethical considerations are relevant, and how might different ethical frameworks shape perspectives?”
  7. Policy and Regulation:  “Consider the issue in the context of existing policies and regulations. How do different policy perspectives impact the way this issue is addressed?”
  8. Environmental Impact“Explore the environmental implications of [insert issue]. How do environmental considerations influence perspectives on this matter?”
  9. Public Opinion:  “Examine the issue through the lens of public opinion. How do different groups within society perceive and react to this issue?”
  10. Future Implications:  “Consider the potential future impact of [insert issue]. How might different perspectives shape predictions or visions for the future?”
  11. Interdisciplinary Insights:  “Take an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the issue. How might perspectives from various academic disciplines contribute to a comprehensive view?”
  12. Global Perspectives:  “Explore the global aspects of [insert issue]. How do different countries or regions view and respond to this issue on an international scale?”
  13. Technological Influence:  “Analyze the role of technology in shaping perspectives on [insert issue]. How do technological advancements impact the way this issue is perceived and addressed?”
  14. Generational Perspectives:  “Consider how different generations view [insert issue]. How might perspectives vary among different age groups?”
  15. Media Representation:  “Examine how the media portrays [insert issue]. How does media coverage influence public perception and understanding of the issue?”

These prompts aim to encourage the model to provide diverse insights, considering various factors and viewpoints related to the given issue.

Opposing Viewpoint Prompts

To prompt for opposing viewpoints, pro-con analyses, or advantages-disadvantages assessments, you can structure your prompts in a way that explicitly asks the model to explore both sides of an issue. Here are examples:

  1. For and Against:  “Present arguments both for and against [insert issue]. Explore the perspectives of individuals who support it as well as those who oppose it.”
  2. Pros and Cons:  “List the pros and cons of [insert issue]. Provide a balanced assessment of the positive and negative aspects associated with this topic.”
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages:  “Examine the advantages and disadvantages of [insert issue]. Identify the benefits and drawbacks associated with different aspects of this matter.”
  4. Two-sided Analysis:  “Provide a comprehensive analysis of [insert issue] from two contrasting perspectives. Explore the strengths and weaknesses of each viewpoint.”
  5. Balanced Consideration:  “Consider the issue with a balanced approach. Highlight both the merits and drawbacks of [insert issue] to offer a fair and comprehensive analysis.”
  6. Supporting and Opposing Arguments:  “Present supporting arguments in favor of [insert issue] and opposing arguments against it. Offer insights into the key points from both sides of the debate.”
  7. Arguments from Different Camps: “Explore the primary arguments from different camps regarding [insert issue]. Provide a fair representation of the viewpoints held by supporters and critics.”
  8. Contrasting Perspectives:  “Contrast the perspectives on [insert issue]. Identify the contrasting viewpoints and elaborate on the reasoning behind each stance.”
  9. Two-sided Evaluation“Evaluate [insert issue] from two sides. Assess the positive aspects that support it and the challenges or criticisms that oppose it.”
  10. Balanced Examination:  “Conduct a balanced examination of [insert issue]. Delve into the advantages and disadvantages to present a nuanced understanding of the topic.”
  11. Dual Perspective Analysis:  “Provide a dual-perspective analysis of [insert issue]. Consider the arguments in favor and those against, examining the rationale behind each stance.”
  12. Strengths and Weaknesses:  “Identify the strengths and weaknesses associated with [insert issue]. Explore the positive attributes and potential drawbacks in a comprehensive analysis.”
  13. Positive and Negative Impacts:  “Examine the issue in terms of its positive and negative impacts. Discuss how [insert issue] may have favorable outcomes and potential drawbacks.”
  14. Supportive and Critical Views:  “Present both supportive and critical views on [insert issue]. Explore the reasons people advocate for it and the concerns raised by its critics.”
  15. Dual Argumentation:  “Construct a dual argumentation for [insert issue]. Articulate the arguments in favor and those against to offer a well-rounded perspective.”

These prompts guide the model to consider and present a balanced analysis of opposing viewpoints or contrasting aspects of the given issue.

Prompts to provide formatted outputs

You can use specific instructions in your prompts to guide the model in formatting its output. Here are examples of prompts for generating specially formatted output like bulleted lists, tables, code snippets, etc.:

  1. Bulleted List:  “Create a bulleted list of three benefits of regular exercise.”
  2. Numbered List:  “List the steps to bake a chocolate cake in a numbered list.”
  3. Table Format:  “Create a table with two columns – ‘Task’ and ‘Deadline,’ listing three upcoming tasks and their respective deadlines.”
  4. Code Snippet:  “Write a code snippet in Python that swaps the values of two variables, ‘a’ and ‘b.'”
  5. Definition Format:  “Define the terms ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Machine Learning’ in a clear and concise format.”
  6. Mathematical Equation:  “Write a mathematical equation for the area of a circle in terms of its radius, ‘r.'”
  7. Paragraph Format:  “Compose a paragraph describing the key features of renewable energy sources.”

When using prompts to format output, be explicit in your instructions to guide the model on the desired structure. You can adapt these examples based on the specific formatting requirements you have in mind.

Prompt Automation and Tools

Developers can use various tools and techniques to automate aspects of prompt engineering for Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3. Here are some tools and techniques for automating data preprocessing and prompt generation:

  1. OpenAI API:  The OpenAI API provides direct access to GPT, allowing developers to programmatically interact with the model. By integrating the OpenAI API into their applications, developers can automate prompt generation and receive model-generated responses.
  2. Fine-Tuning:  OpenAI supports fine-tuning of GPT on custom datasets. Developers can fine-tune the model on specific tasks or domains to improve its performance on particular prompts. Fine-tuning allows for customization based on specific use cases.
  3. Python Libraries (e.g., OpenAI GPT, Transformers):  Python libraries, such as OpenAI GPT and Hugging Face’s Transformers, provide convenient interfaces for interacting with LLMs. These libraries offer pre-built functions for sending prompts to the model and processing the responses, simplifying the integration process.
  4. Prompt Engineering Tools:  Several tools are designed specifically for prompt engineering with LLMs. These tools may include features for generating diverse prompts, analyzing model outputs, and fine-tuning. An example is the OpenAI Playground, which allows users to experiment with GPT prompts interactively.
  5. Data Augmentation Techniques:  Data augmentation techniques can be applied to generate variations of prompts or input data. This helps in creating diverse training sets for fine-tuning or improving the robustness of prompt engineering. Techniques may include synonym replacement, paraphrasing, or randomization.
  6. Prompt Templates:  Developers can create templates for prompts, allowing for dynamic insertion of variables or placeholders. This approach enables the generation of contextually relevant prompts based on specific inputs, making it easier to adapt prompts to different scenarios.
  7. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Libraries:  NLP libraries like spaCy or NLTK can be used for data preprocessing tasks such as text cleaning, tokenization, and part-of-speech tagging. These libraries help in preparing input data for optimal interaction with LLMs.
  8. Regular Expressions:  Regular expressions are powerful tools for pattern matching and text manipulation. They can be used for preprocessing tasks, such as extracting specific information from raw data or formatting input text to align with the desired prompt structure.
  9. Web Scraping Tools:  For applications involving web-based data, web scraping tools can be employed to extract relevant information. These tools automate the retrieval of data from websites, helping in the creation of diverse and contextually relevant prompts.
  10. Automation Scripts:  Developers can create custom automation scripts to handle repetitive tasks associated with prompt engineering. These scripts can integrate various tools, libraries, and techniques to streamline the data preprocessing and prompt generation workflow.
  11. Prompt Generation Models:  Developers can train additional models specifically for prompt generation. These models can be based on rule-based systems, generative models, or even smaller language models. They assist in automatically creating prompts that align with specific objectives.

When working with LLMs like GPT-3, a combination of these tools and techniques can be tailored to the specific requirements of the application. It’s essential to experiment, iterate, and fine-tune the automation process based on the desired outcomes and the nature of the tasks at hand.

Chapter Summary

Prompt engineering is a crucial process that involves crafting precise and contextually relevant instructions tailored to guide AI models, especially large language models such as GPT-3. The goal is to effectively steer these models towards generating responses that align with user intent. By designing prompts that offer clear instructions and context, prompt engineering enables AI models to better understand desired outcomes and produce accurate outputs. This practice plays a pivotal role in enhancing context guidance, output control, bias mitigation, and overall task accuracy in AI interactions.

To optimize AI interactions across a spectrum of tasks, from creative writing to complex problem-solving, users can employ best practices and various techniques within prompt engineering. Examples include prompt priming, which involves setting the initial conditions for the model, follow-up prompts for refining responses, and structured prompts that provide a framework for generating specific outputs. These strategies empower users to tailor AI responses according to the requirements of diverse tasks and domains.

Moreover, automation tools and techniques play a significant role in streamlining prompt generation processes, thereby improving the efficiency and overall performance of AI models. Leveraging automation tools such as the OpenAI API, fine-tuning methodologies, prompt engineering tools, and data augmentation techniques can further enhance the effectiveness of prompt generation, making AI interactions more seamless and effective.

The key principles that underpin successful prompt engineering encompass clarity, specificity, context incorporation, and a commitment to continuous refinement. Clear and specific instructions ensure that AI models understand user requirements accurately, while incorporating context aids in generating responses that align closely with the intended outcomes. Continuous refinement of prompts is essential for adapting to evolving user needs and ensuring that AI models consistently deliver high-quality responses across various tasks and scenarios.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does prompt engineering influence the ability of AI models, specifically large language models like GPT-3, to generate relevant and aligned responses based on user intent?
  2. What are some of the best practices in prompt engineering, and how do they contribute to optimizing AI interactions for tasks ranging from creative writing to problem-solving?
  3. In what ways do techniques like prompt priming, follow-up prompts, and structured prompts enhance the customization of AI responses for different tasks and domains?
  4. What are the key principles that define successful prompt engineering, and why are clarity, specificity, context incorporation, and continuous refinement essential in this process?
  5. How does setting initial conditions for an AI model influence its subsequent responses, and can you provide examples where prompt priming has been particularly effective?
  6. Discuss the role of follow-up prompts in refining AI responses. How do these prompts contribute to improving the accuracy and relevance of generated outputs?
  7. How do structured prompts provide a framework for generating specific outputs from AI models, and why is this important in tasks requiring well-defined results?
  8. In what ways do prompt engineering techniques, such as prompt priming and structured prompts, assist users in customizing AI responses for diverse domains and industries?
  9. How can users ensure responsible and unbiased prompt design to avoid potential ethical pitfalls?
  10. How can prompt engineering evolve to meet the changing needs of users and address the challenges associated with an ever-expanding array of AI applications?



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